Index for video at: I will try to re-upload this file each week... ====== 03052021 Lawn Tractor meeting - Length 1:04:32 This video: Chat: Juan: Juan: Juan: Juan: Index: 00:00 Juan: Is talking about a way to reset the navigation stack. Jeff was confused. (At the time we did not realize that the way the navigation stack, with Move Base Flex, was setup that the state machine would not accept a new path to be entered. We later figured that out.) 05:00 Discussuion of using a Dubins curve generator to create a path. 42:20 Jeff: Talks about his power steering motor for his lawn tractor. 51:15 Juan: asks about other wires coming out of power steering motor. 53:00 Discussion of mounting a feedback potentiometer to the motor. And other sensor techniques. 56:00 Al: Shows his screen, but nobody can see it. He describes his mounting technique. 59:00 Talk about what to do with our first (experimental) meeting recording. 1:00:00 Unrelated talk about CoVid vacines. 1:01:00 Quick mention of running a physical vehicle vs. a simulated vehicle. 1:02:00 We finally reached the end of our first meeting as the Lawn Tractor Automation group. ====== 03122021 Lawn Tractor meeting - Length 54:20 This video: It looks like we are back on Zoom this meeting. Chat: Vinny:\ Juan: Vinny: Vinny: Juan: Index: 00:00 Juan: Is complaining about extra characters in Jeff's ROS-Agriculture index files. 06:00 Discussion of github maintenance. Approval process. 12:45 Juan: Gives a quick update on where he is. 13:40 Al: Talks about Zoom configuration. 14:15 Al: Talks about a thread. Jeff complains about threads. Discussion about controlling speed in cmd_vel. What is creating cmd_vel in this context? 25:30 Al: Talks about useful links. Plays his steering motor video. (Now at: ) 29:00 Juan: Wants to see a video of startup/testing procedures. 32:45 Al: Talks about weatherizing components. Jeff mentions alternate mounting techniques. Real world considerations for making decisions. Discussion of where to mount things, like GPS antennas. 42:20 Reminiscing about Al cutting off his motor shaft. And where to mount sensors. 45:00 Vinny: Wants everybody to become professional software developers. 48:40 Al: Mentions his TKinter based GUI interface. ====== 04022021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 51:45 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Al: Shows his magnetic sensor design. 01:30 Al: Talks about mounting his steering motor. 06:20 Jeff: Shows pictures of attempting to mount a steering motor on his lawn tractor. 27:00 Jeff: Holds up his BNO055 IMU module. Many anecdotes. 34:50 Al: Pulls out a rugedized Android cell phone. 37:50 Bob: Asks about Jeff's steering motor. 39:15 Jeff: Talks about IMUs and calibration. 48:20 Discussion of raspberry Pi vs. Arduino type modules. 50:00 Bob: Picked too small of a box. ====== 04162021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:04:52 This video: Chat: Bob: Jeff can you talk about how you are communicating with the motor controller? I2C from which processor? Al: Bob: Last night I fired up my pi 3 with card that Jeff sent me. Linux and ubiquity Ros. Anyone use that software? I’ll need. Laptop to do thing right? Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Gives an update on his project. 10:30 Jeff: Talks about adding electric steering to lawn tractors. 22:05 Jeff: Mentions the giant R/C servo for the transmission control. 25:25 Jeff: Talks about his progress on indexing the ROS Agriculture videos. 26:10 Juan: Talks about ROS-serial. 28:35 Jeff: Answers Bob's question on how to control the big motors. Some talk about interfacing ROS to microcontrollers. USB vs. CAN. Talk about using Blue Pill boards. 39:15 Bob: Asks if anybody is using the Ubiquiy ROS image for a Raspberry Pi. Bob wants to know if he can control motors directly from Raspberry Pi. Jeff says to use small microcontrollers connected to a Raspberry Pi. Mention of 3.3V vs. 5V microcontrollers. Much more talk about microcontroller board selection. Discussion of controlling Bob's motors. Comparison of each persons control configuration. 59:30 Al: Goes over his chat comments. Mentions using Platform_IO on Blue Pill. Jeff complains about the Ardusimple SBC vaporware. Maybe it actually exists now. ====== 04232021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:06:46 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Al: Starts off talking about getting Move Base to run. He is trying to move from simulator to a physical lawn tractor. Much confusion about what software is running and where. 14:15 Juan: Talks about his partner.nHe talks about wheel sensors. He is working on a script to test his sensors. He shows his small robot kit. Juan asks about the Google drive. Al asks about Juan's testing procedure. Al mentions his TKInter GUI interface for displaying errors. Discussion of errors to test for, like a broken wire. 29:55 Juan: Talks about two different magnetic proximity sensors he has. 2-wire vs. 3-wire. Jeff offers words of wisdom. 34:35 Juan: Asks about steering motor. Asks about calibrating the position poteniometer with the a script and the motor. Voltage/current/torque/guessing... 44:55 Bob: Gives an update on his new laptop. We talk about loading Linux. 1:01:10 Jeff: Suggests how to find out what is loaded on a ROS Ubiquity image for Raspberry Pi. ====== 04302021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:00:20 This video: Chat: Jeff Sampson: Jeff Sampson: if((MotorPos > MAX_POS) && (error < 0)) error = 0; if((MotorPos < MIN_POS) && (error > 0)) error = 0; Index: 00:00 Al: Gives a progress update. Has an issue with different results in simulator and the real world. Discussion of goal tolerence. 26:50 Jeff: Talks about his steering motor. Discussion of setting arbitrary angle limits so you don't destroy a pot or bang into the hardstops. Talk about various control methods. PWM frequency. 40:20 Juan: Shows a video of his steering motor. (We later decided he has set 100% PWM so the motor is getting a straight DC with no pulsing. So it is quiet.) 45:20 Juan: Has a new robot kit to make a small test robot. 46:50 Bob: Gives an update. He is working on his control box. He describes it. 51:50 Al: Just noticed the code Jeff posted earlier, so we go over that again. We talk about comparing each persons code for the steering controller. 55:40 Juan: Talks about his small robot again. 57:15: Talk moves back to steering motor control code. ====== 05072021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:08:21 This video: Chat: Juan: Bob: Why are people attracted to ROS2 in the first place? Index: 00:00 Al: Gives an update. He is now successfully doing a simple nav goal. 04:10 Al: Talks about URDF. He refers to the spreadsheet from this video: 05:40 Al: Talks about downloading YouTube videos. Using youtube-dl That is how Jeff and Javier downloaded all of the ROS-Agriculure videos. 06:40 Jeff: Has fixed his steering motor so that it does not whine so much. Jeff loses connection. Talk about 1 step forward and 2 steps back. 11:50 Jeff: Comes back online. Gives some demos of the steering motor. Discussion of the code other people are using. 21:30 The question comes up... where can we find steering code that is posted. Much confusion ensues... 32:10 Jeff: Offers words of wisdom. Maybe for his own gratification... 34:20 Juan: Gives an update. Talks about move to ROS2. 41:50 Juan: Asks Jeff (paraphrasing) about development as opposed to deployment. (Processor choice.) 46:15 Al: Addresses Jeff's comments. 46:30 Jeff: Addresses Bob's question about why people want to switch to ROS2. 48:10 Juan: Quickly interjects about differences between his code and Al's code. 49:05 We finally get back to Al. He points out he added periodic parameter reload. To make debugging easier. 55:20 Juan: Suggests discussion to reorganize the Google drive. Discussion of distributed harddrives. Juan talks about the "tree" command on Linux. 1:04:45 Bob: Gives an update on his new toys. ====== 05142021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:24:39 This video: Chat: Jeff: Jeff: Downloading all videos: Al: Al: Flash Teensy instructions Jeff: Power discussion: Javier: Al: for future ref: Jeff: Javier's presentation: Al: Javier: Al: Javier: Javier: Index: 00:00 Al: Gives an update on his progress. He shows a custom GUI. 04:20 Short discussion about the ROS-Agriculture YouTube videos that a couple of people downloaded. 08:00 Jeff: A link to his index for the ROS-Agriculture videos. 10:15 Juan: Gives an update on his project. (He was cutoff) 12:05 Jeff: Posts a link to chat for downloading videos. 12:40 Juan is back. He can't get his Teensy to download. Al talks about programming Teensy with Platform-IO. 17:55 Juan: Talks about another project and a custom PC board. 20:45 Al: Talks about Arduino Pro Mini board. Talk about voltage regulators. Powering Arduinos through USB vs. direct. 31:45 Juan: Asks how Jeff builds the YouTube video index. 36:50 Javier: Posts a link to educational courses. 40:25 Al: Posts a link to a self driving car. 42:30 Javier: Talks about his robot projects. Localization, URDF, GPS. 50:20 Jeff: Posts a link to Javier's original ROS-Agriculture presentation. Asks about Javier's about GPS antenna positioning. Discussing correction signal vs. GPS signal. 54:15 Discussion moves to adding tilt correction to the GPS antenna. 55:10 Al: Questions why tire pressure would affect GPS position. 56:55 Javier: Shows images of his new robot he was just describing. Talk about directional WiFi antennas. Talk about communication methods. 1:02:30 Javier: Talks about a Bosch BNO055 IMU. 1:05:20 Al: Posted links for antenna tracking. Discussion of antennas. 1:09:00 Back to Jeff's questions. How is it possible to drive through a corn field. He has another small robot that fits completely between two rows of corn. 1:11:45 Javier: Shows images of counting soy bean pods. Using YOLO. 1:15:45 Javier: Shows pictures of his small robot. He is using Hover Board wheels and e-Bike controllers. He posts a link to the e-Bike controllers. ====== 05212021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:25:36 This video: Chat: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Gives an update. Talks about transform trees, tuning, other, more testing 06:45 Jeff: Asks about Al's tractor not backing up. Lots of talk about Al's transmission control. 23:00 Jeff: Asks another question about not backing up. 24:45 Jeff: Offers suggestion to watch numbers during debugging. 26:10 Al: Talks about plotjuggler plotting program. 31:10 Jeff: Talks about reading voltages with an A/D converter. 35:15 Jeff: What should I be doing??? 37:50 Jeff: Making actual steering path match a requested steering path. Turns into big discussion of calculating steering angle scale. 1:01:30 Juan: Shows his second test setup. Talks about choosing parts. 01:12:30 Bob: Talks about his "Barbie Car". Jeff talks about his quadrature wheel odometry. Al talks about his magnetic encoder for wheel odometry. Jeff suggests adding a second proximity sensor to Juan's sprocket encoder. Talk about Bob's Barbie Car steering. ====== 06042021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:28:02 This video: Chat: Juan: Index: 00:00 Al: Starts off with a discussion of his transmission control. Verifying speed. Compare wheel sensor speed to GPS speed. 13:20 Jeff: Goes down the path of Ackermann steering. A long discussion of low level steering control and asking if anyone has a working example. Juan "thinks" he might have move_base without TEB planner controlling his lawn tractor. The whole steering converation goes way off track when 2-D nav goals and GPS waypoints are introduced. We get back to low level control. 53:30 Juan: Shows a new linear actuator. And talks about a steering sensor. Discussion of multiple steering sensors to detect errors. 59:25 Jeff: Suggests comparing recoverd rotational velocity to requested rotational velocity to verify calibration. 1:04:40 Jeff: Shows his 12/16 bit ADC convertors. 1:08:10 Juan: Asks Al how he connects multiple Teensy's to his Raspberry Pi. Discussion of why you would want multiple low level controllers. 1:22:55 Jeff: Talks about which computer to put your nodes on, base computer or robot computer. Possibly eliminate extra traffic across your remote network. ====== 06182021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:11:06 This video: Chat: Jeff: Javier: Jeff: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Is looking at steering control. Massive discussion on "angle in radians" vs. "radians per second". And how to scale the steering to make it work. We finally decided that no one knows exactly how this works... 48:30 Christian: Says he is getting back up to speed on ROS. Brief talk about reference books. 50:00 Jeff: Asks about Christian's robots. 50:30 Discussion of motors. 52:45 Jeff: Posts a link to chat for our ROS Agriculture YouTube video index. Javier has a presentation in that index. 57:25 Jeff: Is attempting to get Wine and u-center to run on his robot Linux computer. 1:01:45 Al: Is working on his transmission controller. 1:08:00 Jeff: Asks what the appropriate name for our new group should be. ====== 06252021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:18:06 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about scaling and calibrating steering. Sensors to verify steering - Wheel odometry, gyroscope, GPS. 03:15 Jeff: Points out Plotjuggler won't accept a string (of comma separated value). 04:30 Jeff: Shows plots of various sensors reporting rotational velocity. Much talk about how he derived the values for each sensor. 28:30 It finally comes around to the point where steering radius can be verified. 37:20 Discussing everyone's IMU collections. 40:55 Bob: Talks about his joystick. Discussion of scale and deadband. Jeff goes into a long winded description of how to build a remote control system. 1:05:00 Christian: Talks about his CNC machine. And replacing old computers. ====== 07022021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:28:16 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Is talking about extracting data from the robot as feedback. Rotational velocity: Wheel odometry, GPS, IMU (gyro). Various ways to view stored data. Plotjuggler accounts for time differences. 08:45 Jeff again claims he has a BNO085, But he has a BNO055. (The same type of sensor that Javier has) 09:10 Jeff: Finally corrects himself. (He and Javier have a BNO055 and Al has a BNO085) 09:35 Jeff: Is wrong again when he says the same library will work for either one. Confusion of I2C pins. 13:40 Jeff: Tells a story that a Teensy 3.2 won't talk to Ubuntu. Solved by waiting for DTR to be active. 18:35 Jeff: Asks Al if he has problems with Teensy on Ubuntu. 23:45 Jeff: Gets back to listing the steps he took. 24:40 Jeff: Talks a about publishing the data. Interface types. 24:40 ROS drivers for IMUs. 31:00 Jeff: Shows some pictures. 36:05 Jeff: Finally pulls up some plots. 1:05:20 Al: Talks about his IMUs. Discussion of linear acceleration vs. rotational velocity. 1:23:30 Again, Jeff falsely claims the BNO055 and the BNO085 are interchangeable. They probably are not. ====== 07092021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 53:50 This video: Chat: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Is working on his BNO085 IMU. He pulls up some code: Jeff is wrong here. He is talking about a BNO055 and Al is talking about a BNO085... 09:40 Al: Is looking for a link to a thread from AgOpen GPS group. He posts a link to the chat. 17:20 Jeff: Shows some code for a BNO055 IMU. He does a demo. Talk about publishing a float array to a topic. 38:05 Jeff: Talks about his NTRIP client receiver for GPS corrections. Long saga about WiFi security. 44:30 Jeff: Talks about a problem with wheel odometry node. Needed to ignore out of range charaters. 46:40 Al: Asks if anyone knows what SHTP protocol is. ====== 07162021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 57:11 This video: Chat: Al: Background: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Is working on his IMU. He is having problems with Platform-IO. 02:55 Al: Asks how Jeff is getting data from an IMU and publishing in ROS. 06:15 Al: Shows his IMUBrick code. Discussion of publishing IMU messages. 09:35 Jeff: Is trying to get all of his sensors to report correctly. Talk about getting heading and velocity from /gps/vel topic. 16:45 Al: Shows his chart for understanding ENU coordinate frame. Talk about converting from NED to ENU. And when do you do it. 26:00 Jeff: Talks about using pre-written functions instead of writing your own. 28:30 Jeff: Complains that he remote control has problems. 34:15 Jeff: Complains about the uBlox F9P ROS driver. 36:15 Al: Asks about the Twin Cities Robotics Group. 38:20 Al: Talks about using a Raspberry Pi as a PLC. 47:45 Jeff: Mentions a Sparkfun board with 10 addressable LEDs and a Qwiic interface. And Qwiic extender modules. Discussion of other interfaces and electrical noise. 52:20 Jeff: BNO055 IMU vs. BNO085 IMU and calibration. ====== 07232021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting (Audio Only) - Length 45:25 This video: Audio only. (Video got lost.) Chat: None Index: 00:00 Al: Gives an update. Talks about his BNO085 IMU. 22:45 Jeff: Complains about having no power. 24:45 Jeff: Talks about some testing. 26:05 What is Jeff going to use for heading? 28:25 Wheel odometry. 31:40 Oscilloscopes. 32:30 What's next? 33:00 Steering sensors. USB hubs. 34:20 Adressable LED status strip. 38:50 Al: Is going to be be working on his alternate lawn tractor. 41:25 Complains about his lights again. ====== 07302021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting (Audio Only) - Length 1:34:03 This video: Audio only. (Video got lost.) Chat: None Index: 00:00 Al: Is playing with IMUs and has ROS Serial problems. 06:00 Al: Talks about GPS CORS correction data in Texas. 09:00 Al: Mentions he has some ROS e-books. Talks about navigation techiques. 12:10 Jeff: Talks about attempting to buy BNO080/BNO085 IMUs. Talks about his older BNO055 IMU. Turning off back ground magnetic calibration. Magnetic calibration in general. 18:55 Jeff: Shows some plots (but we don't have video). Analyzes some plots with GPS status. 37:15 Jeff: Mention of the LED status strip. 39:50 Some analysis of GPS path during different fix types. 42:05 Jeff: Discussion of wheel odometry. 56:25 Mention of various ROS drivers for IMUs. (for the next 1/2 hour) Some exploration into how the Chip Robotics IMU is configured. Much digging through the code from Chip Robotics. Then we look at the BNO085 spec sheet. ====== 08062021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 55:21 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his IMU. He got a Chip Robotics IMU. Shows his Adafruit BNO085 IMU. 04:20 Jeff: Talks about IMUs Complains about export restrictions. BNO055 calibration. (loss of conection) 06:35 Jeff: Is back. More on BNO055 calibration. 10:45 Jeff: Talks about his LED status strip. 16:55 Jeff: Complains about his e-Stop switch on his remote control. 21:40 Al: Shows a gadget he could have bought at auction. We talk about radio direction finders. Disscusion of worthless junk. Antique gryoscopes. New-fangled IMUs... 35:15 Al: Continues talking about his Chip Robtics IMU and Arduino Nano with BNO085 IMU. Publishing values. 43:00 Al: Opens his Chip Robotics IMU box and shows it. Discussion of how to change output formats. We verify that it only has a BNO085 and a FTDI adapter chip. No Microcontroller. ====== 08202021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:07:27 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Juan: Talks about a robot for schools. 17:00 Jeff: Can't get screen sharing to work. Talks about his odometry experiments. 20:25 Jeff: Talks about "unwarpping" the heading values. So instead of being limit to 0-360 degrees they can increase without bound. Shows some plots. 31:50 Jeff: Talks about e-Stop switches. 35:55 Jeff: Talks about Adafruit BNO085 IMU. 42:25 Jeff: Talks about Geodetic survey markers in Minneapolis. 58:10 Al: Is testing IMU. Has problems with Ubuntu 20.04. ====== 08272021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 49:00 This video: Chat: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his new BNO085 IMU. Shows his user interface screen. He documented his code on a gist site. (Link in chat) He talks about a software crashing problem. 17:30 Jeff: Tells the story of measuring a survey maker. 29:45 Jeff: Talks about IMUs. BNO055 and BNO085. 38:20 Jeff: Talks about re-using protoboards. 42:20 Jeff: Relates the saga of more odometry testing. ====== 09032021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 46:26 This video: Chat: Juan: Juan: Al: apologies guys I need to run; Have a great weekend Index: 00:00 Al: Is showing plots from a bagfile. His is evaluating a BNO085 IMU. Talk about IMU noise from vibration. 07:20 Juan: says he got some new code from another project. It runs on an STM32F4... processor. Talks about documentation. Problems getting a board with the correct CPU. 16:25 Jeff: Starts a discussion about which version of STM32CubeIDE that Juan is running. 19:50 Jeff: Pulls up his STM32CubeIDE. 21:40 Juan: Pulls up his IDE again. 26:16 Juan shows us the github for his new code. (Posted in chat section.) 30:00 Juan: Mentions that Mikrotik has a VPN that can be configured in the router. 31:00 Jeff: Has Juan do some exploring in his IDE. 34:40 Jeff: Asks about the different boards that Juan us trying to use. 40:30 Jeff: Gives an update on his "Run away robot". Talks about monitoring CAN interface. ====== 09102021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 30:58 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Juan: Shows his new STM32F407 board. He has no documentation. Discussion on how to program it. 15:20 Juan: Talks about getting help from local groups. 18:40 Jeff: Talks about Juan's new board. Suggests not changing any pin configuartion in the IDE software. Simply connect external devices to the appropriate pin on the board. The software/configuration may not require changing. 21:00 Juan: Talks about the ROS wiki and the huge quantity of information. 23:50 Jeff: Summerizes Juan's next steps. 24:30 Jeff: Holds up a new BNO055 IMU from Adafruit. 24:55 Jeff: Revisits the "runaway robot" problem. Mentions problem might be the CAN interface. Describes adding a USB/CAN adapter and feeding CAN messages to a ROS topic. Also output the speed/steer/switches data to the existing ROS node. 27:00 Juan talks about remapping messages in launch files. 27:20 Jeff: Lists his next steps to test the CAN interface. 27:30 Jeff: Talks about blowing the motor fuse, that was mentioned last week. Adding a current monitor to the motor drive. The motor current will get published to a topic and saved in a bagfile. Mention of steering feedback. 30:15 Juan: Asks when the snow is coming. (Which may end testing.) ====== 09172021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 40:39 This video: (I set this meeting to full screen mode.) Al and Jeff had a discussion before the recording started. We equated forward velocity, rotational velocity, wheel base, minimum turning radius and steering angle. And talked about steps to make it work. Chat: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Summarizes the discussion we had before the recording started. 03:20 Al: Asks for clarification about how the modified cmd_vel message is interpreted. Actual scaling. 12:10 Al: Says he thought he had to know the recovered rotational velocity. Talk about verifying requested angle to actual path driven. 15:20 Does the joystick need to be rescaled? 17:40 Al: Talks about his second IMU. 20:00 Al: Is going to add his second rear wheel speed sensor on the right side. 21:20 Jeff: Give update. Reiterates the story of the intermittent eStop switch. 23:45 Jeff: Goes through his whole "run-away robot" story and maybe some fixes. 27:45 Jeff: Mentions a second generation remote control system to come. 28:35 Jeff: Talks about blowing fuses on the main motor and adding current monitoring. 36:25 Jeff: Talks about scaling the new current sensors. 37:20 Jeff: Talks about maintaining the new YouTube videos. 38:10 Al: Expresses optimism after we talked about steering angles. ====== 09242021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:06:37 This video: Chat: Index: 00:00 Juan: Is trying to find something. 01:25 Juan: Got his ST-Link programming dongle. 01:45 Juan: Mentions some path planning software he found. 05:25 We discuss Juan's ST-Link programmer. Mention of ST32 Cube Programmer software. 08:15 Jeff: Talks about modifying his low level microcontroller software. 09:30 We jump back to Jeff trying to get the programmer software started. 11:00 We talk about in-circuit debugging using the ST-Link module. 12:50 Jeff: Gets the programming software to run. 23:50 We discuss the debugger for ST parts. 28:30 Jeff: Talks more about steering and enhancing code for debugging and verification. 46:30 Juan: Asks about controlling topic publish rates. 49:00 Mention that Plot Juggler lines up all of the samples that are at different rates. 50:15 Another mention that the new version of Plot Juggler will directly plot quaternions. 51:10 Juan: Discusses the ROS Wiki and his attempts to translate the wiki to Spanish. ====== 10012021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 58:02 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about Al's velocity control. We discuss the joystck node Al is using. Jeff suggests a solution, but he is wrong. 11:30 Discussion of why the joystick does not output expected values. Joystick scaling. 20:30 Summary of what we just talked about. 21:10 Al: Asks for more advice on steering. Jeff goes back through the recovery of radius and steer angle from a bagfile. 29:50 Jeff: Commits to writing a node to automatically extract radius and angle from a running system. 33:25 Jeff: Notes a problem with Plot Juggler (probably created by a partial play back of bagfile) 36:35 Jeff: Explains how to record a new bagfile with new topics appended onto previous bagfile. 37:50 Juan: Talks about programming his STM32 boards. 46:00 Jeff: Explains the steps he doing to try to remap the GPS antenna to put it over over base_link. This may only be required since we are running instead of using the navsat_transform node to convert the GPS. [Jeff mis-states X vs. Y axis for GPS for specifying location.] Continues explanation. ====== 10082021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:11:14 This video: Discussion of GPS remapping and scaling/verifying steer angle. Chat: None Index: 00:00 Jeff: Reviews his GPS antenna location remapping experiments. 21:00 Jeff: Does the angle derived from wheel odometry match the recovered angle from forward velocity and rotational velocity? 27:30 Jeff: Discussion of scaling input angle (in our case this would be supplied by TEB local planner) to the physical steering. Then verifying the calibration by comparing the input angle to the recovered angle. ====== 10152021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:16:59 This video: Chat: Juan: Al: Al: Al: The link that Jeff couldn't remember at the time: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Starts with discussion of headings and remapping the GPS antenna location. Turns into a discussion of NED vs. ENU formats. 06:30 Al: Suggests using a "known good" simulator to verfiy heading directions. 08:35 Jeff: Expands on his confusion with the various coordinate frames. 11:35 Jeff: Talks about how heading is used in the program. Which leads to the point that just because something is published, it doesn't mean it is being used. 16:45 Jeff: Mentions link that talks about plotting odometry and why it does not match the vehcile position plot. 20:45 Jeff: Mentions that Robot Localization may only use IMU heading for initialization. 22:45 Jeff: Mentions that Mat Sadowski has implemented Robot Localization with just GPS input. 30:50 Juan: Atempts to start up a simulator. 33:30 Short discussion of posting arrays of data to topics for debug. 36:05 Discussion of "The Construct" and all of their examples using simulators. 42:20 Al: Posts the link to Mat Sadowski's blog on GPS only. 52:30 Short discussion of covariance from GPS drivers. 59:10 Discussion of the NEW Ardusimple boards. Discussion of doing your own calculation for dual antenna heading vs. using a built-in function. 1:06:30 Possibly your GPS receiver will accept some form of wheel odometry input. 1:11:00 Next steps... ====== 10222021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:11:50 This video: Chat: Al: Jeff: Jeff: Index: 00:00 Juan: Is working with a simulator. Choosing parts for new design. 04:30 Al: Posts a picture of the Ag Open GPS board for reference. 08:50 Al: Says he hasn't gotten much done. But mentions finding areas for larger scale testing. 09:30 Jeff: Mentions parks around town for possible testing areas. 11:15 Jeff: Brings up the concept of low speed vehicles. And suggests adding displays to tell you what it intends to do. 18:30 Jeff: Talks about working up to running robot_localization_ekf. Shows plots of first run, and perceived problems. Fixed static_transform_broadcaster issue. Shows plots of second run. 36:00 Jeff: Talks about changing GPS publish rate from 5Hz to 10Hz. Discussion of comparing various plots. Discussion of different heading sources. 52:15 Jeff: Talks about fixing the uBlox navheading output which appears to be off by 180 degrees. Advantages of using navsat_transform/robot_localization over 57:00 Jeff: Posts the links for Mat Sadowski's code to the chat. And mentions MapViz. 59:30 Jeff: Discussion of setting initial robot pose in latitude and longitude. 1:04:50 Discussion of "The Construct". ====== 10292021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:00:19 This video: Chat: Al: Al : mushr_base/mushr_base/src/ Jeff: Al: Jeff: Index: 00:00 We start off by looking at the Mushr project. We do a lot of digging for related software. Various links are posted. 41:50 We switch over to Jeff's GPS results. 48:00 Jeff: Talks about the gps_odom and navsat_transform/robot_location having an offset. 54:15 Everybody checks the weather for upcoming testing. And talk about weather-proofing vehicles. ====== 11052021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:04:08 This video: Chat: Jeff: Al's code for today: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about the meeting recording process. 01:25 Juan: Shows his small model robot. 03:15 Al: Asks if Juan's new robot will have GPS. Juan talks about his GPS setup. (Birds eating cables.) 06:15 Juan: Shows his ROS-Agriculture simulator running again. Talks about simulated GPS in Stage simulator. 09:25 Juan: Talks about mixing physical hardware with a simulated vehicle. 11:30 Juan: Talks about connecting a physical folder to a docker image. 15:00 Al: Talks about his transmission control software. (See link in chat.) 24:45 Jeff: Talks about creating a 4-wheel Ackermann vehicle for Gazebo. 33:25 Discussion about random ROS versions. 34:55 Al: Asks if anyone has found the one video or tutorial that explains everything about URDF files. 46:10 Different levels of simulation. 51:45 Juan: Talks about using a physical accelerometer as an input controller. ====== 11122021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:12:45 This video: Chat: Jeff: Code I started with: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Shows an R/C car he is looking at. 02:20 Al: Talks about lawn tractor progress. 06:10 Jeff: Talks about models created for Gazebo. Lots of rambling conversation on Gazebo and versions. And how the navigation software fits in with the simulation. ====== 12022021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 56:42 This video: Chat: Al: Walbro EFI overview: Juan: stm32f407vbtx Juan: Stm32f407vet6 Juan: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Says he is too lazy to do anything. 00:30 Al: Shows his "recovered angle" data from his lawn tractor. 05:25 Al: Moves on to why his lawn tractor would not start. 06:00 Jeff: Mentions that Plot Juggler "might" have an option to "average" the values for a plot. 07:00 Al: Asks how acurate the measurements have to be. 07:35 Al: Asks about what he needs to change in his code. 19:10 Juan joins the meeting. 20:15 Juan: Asks if Al can get his lawn tractor to stop. Turns into discussion of vehicle wiring diagrams. 23:45 A discussion of how to stop the engine (on the new fuel injected models). 22:45 Jeff: Questions the original. Was the question about stopping from lack of cmd_vel or about e-Stop? 26:45 Al: Describes about his engine with fuel injection and electronic ignition. 29:50 Juan: Talks about his ST Micro CPU he is is using. ====== 12092021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:17:55 This video: Chat: Juan: Al: Al: Al: that is the Arduino-cli note Al: 2021 RPi image build Index: 00:00 00:40 Al: Testing his steering map function. Talks about Platform-IO problems. And he may switch to the Arduino CLI interface instead. 08:40 Jeff: Says he is not doing anything. 08:50 Juan: Describes his processor conversion effort. He has code designed for the STM32F4-Discovery board (stm32f407vg) and he wants to run it on a board with a stm32f407ve processor. For the next hour we go through and try to figure out the simplest way to make the conversion. We got something that it looks like it will work. Juan will try to recreate the process later with a fresh copy of the respository and see if it works... ====== 12162021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:00:25 This video: Chat: Jeff: A project to run ROS Navigatio2 on AWS racer. Jeff: Jeff: Juan: Juan: Index: 00:00 Juan: Talks about STM32 boards he is working with. Juan gives a BluePill to ROS demo. Some discussion about STM3 boards and ST-Link modules. 14:35 Al: Is in the process of of updating his low level controller code. 16:30 Jeff: Posts a link to ROS Discourse about running ROS2 navigation2 on the AWS Racer. 18:35 Jeff: Talks about two new STM32F407vet6 boards like Juan has. Discussion of different board types. 40:55 The discussion turns to getting the STM boards to talk to ROS. 53:00 Juan: Posts some links for ROS serial on STM. ====== 12232021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 48:16 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Jeff: Goes through his setup to program the STM32F407VET board from Arduino. 14:15 Discussion of hands-free in-circuit programming. So you don't have to open the robot to reprogram. 19:00 Juan: Demonstrates programming and using the Blue Pill (STM32F103) board. 24:00 Discussion about which IDE to use. STM32CubeIDE or Arduino IDE. Pros and cons. 25:30 Jeff: Mentions a PDF from a presentation. It details how to use STM32CubeMX tool to configure the chip and generate code. Then move the code into Arduino IDE. PDF: Youtube presentation: DPRG on Youtube: 31:10 Suggestions of "extra" things to include when publishing/creating documentation. 33:30 Juan: Points out that you can find lots of articles telling you how to avoid using the ST-Link programmer. But he suggests you should just spend the ~$10 and get the ST-Link module. 34:20 Jeff: Points out that the ST-Link module can also be used for debugging. 35:20 Juan: Explains that it is hard to buy parts in his country. 41:30 Jeff: Mentions that the Arduino IDE may/or may not support all of the peripherals on the STM32 chips. 42:35 Juan: Recaps his serial communication issues. 44:50 Jeff: Offers some debugging suggestions to verify each step of communication to Linux. ====== 12302021 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting No video this week. ====== 01062022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 38:17 This video: Chat: O3D303 3D Camera Jeff: 3D Camera ROS Agriculture presentation Al: Al: Al: Auto-Focus -- Fixed Focus for Color Camera on OAK-D-Lite We're thinking we should change the OAK-D-Lite to use a fixed-focus color camera instead of an auto-focus camera. The `why` is that fixed focus allows use in high-vibration environment environments, with little loss of functionality for all other applications. The only real change to the end-user of OAK-D-Lite would be that the min focus distance for OAK-D-Lite would move from about ~pi inches (~3.14) to about 20 inches. And for most applications, it is seeming that this is totally acceptable - in return for the camera being usable in places where there are high vibrations (like drones, but also on machinery, RC-cars, etc.). Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Mentions the 3D camera he bought a couple of years ago. He posts a link to the ROS Agriculture presentation. 02:20 Discussion of specs on various cameras. Al posts links to Oak-D cameras. 04:30 Discussion of to look for when considering any sensor. 06:45 Jeff: Goes into rant about proliferation of AI as the answer to everything. More talk about Oak-D cameras. 10:25 Fixed focus vs. auto focus. 13:00 Al: Is working on his remote firmware update for his Teensys. 13:40 Al: Found another ROS group through Meetup that has video meetings. 20:50 Al: Goes to his to-do list to remember what he wanted to ask. 26:50 Al finally decides he wanted to ask about LORA radios. Discussion of Jeff's LORA radios. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 01132022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 50:51 This video: Chat: Juan: Juan: Remove folder ros_lib inside libraries directory. Then got to Arduino IDE-Sketch-Include Library-Manage Libraries... ( Ctrl+Shift+I ) And search for "rosserial" and install: Rosserial Arduino Library by Michael Ferguson Using version 0.7.9, worked with fresh new Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega. Also able to compile for Seeeduino Zero (integrated on Odyssey X86J4105) Ross: Hi guys. I'm in transit today. Just thought I would drop on for 5 min and say 👋 Index: 00:00 Juan: Talks about remote networks using cell modems. 03:50 Juan: Shows the parts he has to work with in the USA. 04:30 Juan: Asks for a recommendation for a cheap GPS for testing. 08:00 Juan: Talks about version issues with ROS Serial. And talks about using ROS Serial. 15:15 Ross: Joins the meeting. 17:30 Ross: Says "hi". We talk about is wireless networks for his fields. 21:20 Juan: Suggests cell modems. 23:30 Discussion of what data to send and how much to send over network. 30:00 Jeff: Says he may document his LED status strip for ROS. 35:25 Jeff: Talks about his LORA radio remote control. And plans to make a new version. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 01212022 Bobs Discussion on LORA Radio - Length 46:31 This video: Jeff and Bob Discuss Bob's LORA radios. He may use them on a Teensy 3.2 or a Raspberry Pi. Bob has these: Jeff has these: Jeff: Posted this table of proposed connections for Teensy 3.2 Pin Digital Used for === ======= ================================ 1 GND 2 0 sw1 3 1 sw2 4 2 sw3 5 3 sw4 6 4 sw5 7 5 eStop1 8 6 eStop2 9 7 DOUT (MOSI - Radio) 10 8 DIN (MISO - Radio) 11 9 CS (Radio) 12 10 D10 - (RST - Radio) 13 11 D11 - (IRQ - Go on Radio) 14 12 n/u 15 13 LED (In parallel with panel LED) 16 14 SCK (Clock - Radio) 17 15 pb1 A1 - Reserved 18 16 pb2 A2 - Reserved 19 17 pb3 A3 - Reserved 20 18 n/u SDA0 - Reserved (or A4) 21 19 n/u SCL0 - Reserved (or A5) 22 20 A6 - Joystick 23 21 A7 - Joystick 24 22 A8 - Joystick 25 23 A9 - Joystick 26 3.3V Out 27 AGND 28 Vin Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 01272022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 53:24 This video: Chat: Jeff: A page that talks about which pins to use for a LORA radio. (***Add this link***) Al: Al: aka "2.4Ghz TGZ-850M Gamepad" Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Recap of Bob's project that we talked about on previous video here: 01:10 Jeff: shows his LORA radio collection. 03:15 Jeff: Complains about soldering SMA connectors to the Ada Fruit boards. 06:35 Discussion of the 3 different antenna connection options. 10:40 Jeff: Talks about using the Ada Fruit All-In-One LORA board. 14:50 Jeff: Again mentions he may eventually make tutorial videos. Remote control, for instance. 15:10 Moves into discussion of gamepads on ROS. And mention of Ross's long range WiFi network 17:15 Back to tutorial topics. Discussion of uses of remote control and eStop. Comments of safety. 23:50 Al: Posts a link to the Wireless gamepad he bought. 25:25 Jeff: Says you should also have a "Dead Man" switch. 28:15 Al: Asks about remotely programming the Arduino/Teensy type boards. 29:00 Jeff: Finds his small joystick and shows it. 31:15 Al: Asks more about remote programming. But runs into Slack/Zoom/YouTube maintenance issues being discussed... 36:05 Back to discussion on Arduino CLI interface and Program-IO programming. We talk about why neither one works for Teensy and try to track down ways to fix either one. 50:45 Jeff: Makes a feeble attempt to show pictures of his robot. 51:50 We start updating the "Links" pinned message at the top of the General channel on Slack. It is updated now. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 02032022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:10:16 This video: Chat: Jeff: Al: YouTube video I mentioned earlier that references Meshtastic. Al: Jeff: Index: 00:00 I think we talked about LORA radios for remote control the whole time . I will view it and may update the index. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 02102022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 42:12 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Bob: Posted images to Slack and talks about parts he needs to aquire. He talks about his approach for his radios. And talks about his spreadsheets for pin numbers. 08:55 Bob: Shows his tractor control box and describes it. 12:30 Bob: Talks about a Raspberry Pi display board. 14:55 Bob: Shows his "too small box". And talks about adding connectors instead of hard-wired. 17:15 Bob: Talks about his prototyping layout. 21:10 Jeff: Talks about antennas and antenna connectors. 23:50 Jeff: Mentions that the "extra" GPIO pins on the radio do not have to be connected back to the processor board. Comments on the OLED display connections. 26:10 Bob: Talks about formatting data for LORA. 28:00 Jeff: Says he is too lazy to work on anything. 28:25 We discuss Al's plans. And "over-the-air" reprogramming. 35:00 Bob: Talks about real-time-clocks and temperature sensors. 35:20 Bob: Questions the amount of processing poower on the Tennsy boards. 36:50 Bob: Talks about not having enough desk space for all of his display monitors. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 02172022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:28:08 This video: Chat: Al: Google doc that goes through the various software "stacks" Jeff: Al: Transforms "helper" Al: Al: non-contact rotary position sensor with J1939 output Al: another non-contact sensor Al: sensor on digi-key Index: 00:00 Start of discussion on where documentation is located. 10:20 We look at Al's spreadsheet for documentation. 15:40 Some talk about URDF files. 26:30 We talk about code on low level microcontrollers. 44:45 Al: Talks about which code base to run on his ROS computer. 48:00 Ross: Asks about simplifying or "dumbing down" low level control. 50:35 Ross: Brings up CAN bus. 51:20 Jeff: Goes back to simplistic low level control. 53:50 Al: Talks about position encoders. AMS-5048B magnetic encoder 57:05 Ross: Mentions using J1939 CAN standards for standardized messages. 1:19:10 Jeff: Mentions the Home Brew Robotics Group "Anything ROS" Zoom meetings. 1:24:45 Some comments about Docker. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 02242022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 58:55 This video: Jeff: My YouTube channel: Jeff: Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Shows some diagrams of a hypothetical physical ROS vehicle. Then switches to Gazebo instead actual vehicle. 31:00 Jeff: Holds up his small robot and compares it to his larger robot. 32:55 Al: Asks about the lineage of the small robot. 33:30 Jeff: Digs up a link to his YouTube channel. And shows a quick excerpt for the small robot. The date was 2016. 40:45 Al: Shows his ESP32/LORA/Display board. 44:00 Al: Posts link to sample code for the board. 52:35 We talk about Al's problem that PlatformIO no longer works with ROS Kinetic. 55:50 Jeff: Complains about his weather. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 03032022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:04:42 This video: Chat: Jeff: How do we describe a robot? With URDF! | Getting Ready to build Robots with ROS #7 Creating a rough 3D model of our robot with URDF NAV2 - Setting Up The URDF linorobot2 Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about URDF tutorials 57:30 Al: Gives update on his lawn tractor project. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 03102022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting No meeting this week ====== 03172022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 58:15 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Al: Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Gives updates. Steering scaling. He needs to put his tractor back together and make it work. udev rules. IP address conflicts. 05:45 Al: Explains his IP address problem. 15:35 Al: Talks about udev rules (that don't work). 22:15 Comments that everybody needs to get their machines put back together and able to run outside. 23:25 Jeff: Goes off-topic by talking about SDR (Software Defined Radios). 45:00 Jeff: Talks about publishing odometry messages from a Gazebo simulator. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 03242022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 54:26 This video: Chat: Jeff: Jeff: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Gives a demo of the cmd_vel_to_ackermann_drive converter. 06:30 Jeff: Gives a demo of his progress with a 4-wheel Ackermann vehicle in Gazebo. 16:30 Al: Asks how you get odom messages from gazebo. 21:50 Bob: Asks if the simulator and physical machine are interchangeable. 28:45 Jeff: Talks about trying to photograph addressable LED strips. 37:55 Bob: Talks about his radio and Raspberry Pi experiments. Wireless communication setup. VNC vs. remote desktop. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 03312022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 55:44 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Al: Gives progress report. Steering, RVIZ not working correctly, some outdoor testing 09:05 Jeff: Gives demo of Gazebo progress. 11:25 Jeff: Shows the output of view_frames. 12:10 Starting Gazebo. 14:00 Driving with joy->cmd_vel->ackermann launch file. 16:50 Driving with joy->ackermann launch file. 18:30 Adding some obstacles to the Gazebo world, just for fun. 19:00 Starting move_base launch file with standard differential drive local planner. 21:55 Starting move_base launch file with TEB local planner. And some obstacle avoidance. 32:50 Discussion on what to do next. 34:00 Jeff: Again fights with Linux version of Zoom to stop screen sharing. Then just kills the whole thing... After watch in the video it looks like screen sharing stopped as soon as I clicked "New share". So I probably could have just exited at that point and the screen sharing would be done. 35:25 Discussion of a "flat" URDF file vs. a file with macros. 40:30 Al: Talks about changing values in his URDF and expected that to be the robot footprint (it's not). 44:45 Restating of how to add footprint to RVIZ. Jeff then wastes a lot of time trying to post an image of the topic screen. 52:20 Jeff finally displays the image to select footprint... 53:45 Talk about getting dimensions of other vehicles to see if they can be reproduced. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 04072022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:18:33 This video: Chat: Jeff: The original R/C car I started with: Index: 00:00 Al: Gives progress report. He is testing his GPS outdoors as a standalone device. He talks about how to fix view_frames for Noetic. 02:15 Al: Has installed the new Ubiquity image for Noetic on Raspberry Pi. 04:15 Jeff: Points out they are to "fix" the Ubiquity image. Then Al will have his problems back. 08:20 Discussion of what Al's GPS base station consists of. 13:40 Jeff: Starts to explain his new phase-2 URDF files that use macros. 18:50 Start of live demos. Demos of the new URDF with Al's Cub Cadet dimensions. 25:00 The parameter file is changed to Jeff's Sammy robot. A demo of that. 27:50 Talk about tweaking parameters. 28:40 Al: Asks if the obstacle avoidance works. So we test it out. 33:00 Attempt to cancel navigation (since it can't reach goal). A new goal is selected. 35:25 Question about which versions of ROS this will work on. 36:45 Jeff: Complains about github. "Maybe" eventually release this on github. 38:15 Al: Summarizes the way he thinks it works. Then asks how difficult was it to make this work. 39:45 More in-depth view of what is required. 45:40 Several changes were made to Al's vehicle which may improve steering angle. That is tested. 49:00 Jeff: Explains some of the strange issues he was fighting with. More details on how the macros work. 56:20 Jeff: Fights with Linux/Zoom again to shut down screen sharing. And Al asks about link to the original R/C car model. 58:35 History on the R/C car URDF. 59:50 A search is started to find the R/C car link that Jeff started with. 1:04:00 Jeff: Posts the link to the original (that he started with) R/C car. 1:06:15 Jeff: Says he cut the sensor code from the URDF and put it in an include file. 1:07:15 More talk about github. 1:10:50 Al notices that Jeff put all this code out on the shared Google drive. 1:15:40 Bling... Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 04142022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:05:52 This file: Chat: Jeff: youtubedl to download videos: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about replicating Jeff's Gazebo simulation experiments. 10:45 Al: Asks about the difference between a physical GPS and a simulated GPS. 15:05 Jeff: Proposes creating diagrams to illustrate the code organization. 16:40 Al: Points out the latest meeting video is getting views. 17:15 We discuss the ability to download all of the meeting videos so you can watch them any time. 20:20 Jeff: Posts the link to download the videos. 21:50 Discussion of how YouTube searches work. 24:15 We go back to discussing physical vehicle vs. simulated vehicle. 25:55 Jeff: Tells story of trying to get ROS1 and ROS2 running at the same time. 27:25 Jeff: Points out an Ackermann controller plug-in for Gazebo. (instead of running an external Python script) 31:00 Jeff: Also found a pure pursuit local planner plug-in for move_base. 41:00 Jeff: Reiterates the steps for the ROS1/ROS2 integration for simulation. 48:30 Al: Questions the stability. 50:00 Al: Talks about moving his code from Kinetic to Noetic for physical vehicle. 50:15 Discussion of pieces involved. Like GPS. And ros-serial. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 04212022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:01:38 This file: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about replicating Jeff's Gazebo simulation experiments. 09:00 Brief discussion on modifying some things in the URDF file. 13:20 Long discussion about diagrams. 52:45 Jeff: Talks about a Gazebo simulation of a radio direction finding module. 57:00 Discussion switches over to differences between ROS1 and ROS2. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 04282022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 41:18 This video: Info: ROS2 TurtleBot3_World tutorial: LinoRobot: LinoRobot2: HBRC meeting with LinoRobot2: RSSC meeting with Steve Macenski (@ 1 hour mark): Index: 00:00 Jeff: Gives a progress update and review. (turtlebot3_world, ackermann vehicle in ROS1) 06:15 Jeff: Reasons to not use the turtlebot3 code for my Ackermann vehicle. 08:10 Jeff: Decided to look at Linorobot2 project for my Ackermann vehicle. 09:45 Live demo of stock Linorobot2 2-wheel drive robot. With Gazebo, RVIZ, Slam, navigation and mapping. 19:30 Switch the stock 2-wheel drive robot to Jeff's Ackermann vehicle. 27:40 Mention of the Home Brew Robotics meeting from the night before. There was a presentation of LinoRobots2. 28:15 What steps are next. 29:00 Why ROS2 at this point? 30:10 Jeff's experience/impression of ROS2 so far. (Just a few weeks of hack and slash.) 39:40 Mention of the RSSC meeting with presentation by Steve Macenski on ROS2-Navigation2. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 05122022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 51:30 This video: Info: (Other websites mentioned) picar (What I started with) (Newer version of Picar) control commands: ackermann_msg model: URDF control software: linkage: topics -> joint transmission Linorobot2 Linorobot2 - 2wd control commands: cmd_vel model: URDF control software: standard Gazebo differential drove plug-in linkage: cmd_vel -> Gazebo differential drive plug-in Linorobot2 - ack (my hack) control commands: ackermann_msg model: URDF control software: linkage: topics -> joint transmission olinrobotics This uses a modified version of ackermann_controller from the R/C car (Apparently this is where the tractor model in ROS Agriculture stage simulator came from) ROS1 (Kinetic) Prius simulation control commands: custom (velocity, steer, shift, brakes) model: URDF control software: Gazebo plug-in linkage: Gazebo plug-in (tf directly to joints?) ROS2 Prius simulation control commands: cmd_vel model: SDF control software: Gazebo plug-in linkage: Gazebo plug-in (tf directly to joints?) Other links Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about replacing his Raspberry Pi with a laptop computer. He shows his parts he has collected. 04:10 Al: Mentions his LoRa radios. 05:00 Jeff: Mentions that his laptop looks just like Al's laptop. 05:25 Jeff: Talks about collecting parts and next steps. 15:20 Al: Asks about using LoRa radios for remote control. 23:50 Jeff: Gives a recap of software progress. Simulators of various versions... 34:30 Jeff: Talks about trying to convert the ROS1 Ackermann controller Python script to ROS2. 37:00 Jeff: Goes down the path of complaining about his inexperience with ROS2. 44:20 More comments on Olin Robotics. And documentation in general. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 05192022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:05:18 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his ESP-32 LoRa boards. 04:00 Al: Says his code will not compile. We start a debug process. 25:15 Discussion of how many I/O pins are available on this particular board. 32:20 Jeff: Brings up a comment that someone made about "courteous" use of the LoRa band. Discussion of transmit power. Channel selection. 45:50 Jeff: Reiterates "who is in control?" 49:00 More talk about library maintenance. 1:01:00 Jeff: Makes suggestions about design considerations. Specifically, mounting laptop on lawn tractor. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 05262022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 36:41 This video: Chat: We were talking about Bob's giant sheep. So I posted a link Robot Shop of Horrors and a link to the day at Bob's house. Jeff: Jeff: Al posted a video of what he wants to do. Al: Link to Ava-V2 write-up. Jeff: Link to Articulated Robots YouTube page. Jeff: Link to Home Brew Robotics Group YouTube meetings. Jeff: Link to the meeting with the Ava-V2 robot. Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his ESP-32 LoRa boards. 02:45 Al: Talks about errors he is getting trying to compile. 27:00 Jeff: "I have nothing..." 27:20 Jeff: Mentions the HBRobotics meeting from yesterday. Posts a link to the "Ava" robot. 31:40 Jeff: Posts link to Articulated Robots on Youtube which has new videos added. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 06022022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 38:29 This video: Chat: Jeff: Ardusimple review: Jeff: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his ESP-32 LoRa boards. Shows his prototype box and talks about which pins he is using. He says he wants to use LiPo batteries since his "Power Bank" battery won't stay powered up. Lists his requirements and a test plan. 08:35 Al: Asks why his pots give him an over-range value. 09:45 Jeff: Asks how Al will use LiPo batteries. And LiPo charging. Discussion of using a USB charging battery through the USB connector. 25:20 Jeff: Talks about a article on GPS receivers. And posts a couple of links. 30:30 Mention of fire ants... 31:10 Discussion of distance from correction server. Discussion of survey markers. 34:15 Al: Asks if there were any new messages on Slack channel. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 06162022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 45:29 This video: Chat: Al: Jeff: Al: Al: Jeff: rf95.waitAvailableTimeout Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his ESP-32 LoRa boards. Al asks if Jeff's communication is bi-directional. We track down some examples... 11:40 Al: Shows some code he found. 20:00 Jeff: Goes looking for his code... 23:40 Short discussion of old vs. new laptops. 26:00 Al: Logs into a remote computer looking for his Arduino code. 38:05 Some digging through the Cytron website. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 06232022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 47:08 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his ESP-32 LoRa boards. He goes through some code. 04:45 Short discussion of pre-compiler options. 08:25 Mixing code examples. 11:00 Al: Talks about powering his LoRa board with solar panels. 13:00 Jeff: Talks about measuring engine RPM on a small engine. 14:20 Method to read alternator waveform. 22:15 Method to read the magnets on the flywheel. 28:40 Demos of the proximity sensor and the Hall effect sensors. 40:45 If you have a magneto then the transistor circuit that was shown may work on the primary side. 42:25 Optical sensing. 45:50 Bob: Had asked about cows... Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 06302022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 57:19 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his ESP-32 LoRa boards. 06:15 Al: Goes through some of his code. He talks about an addressable LED strip for status display. 08:55 Al: Talks about the code to run the LoRa radio. 12:45 Jeff: Shows his (remote control end) code and talks about it. 32:45 Some discussion of e-Stop condition vs. pause condition. 36:20 Discussion of timeouts. 44:20 Jeff: Shows his (vehicle end) code and talks about it. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 07072022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 24:07 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Al's version 2 LoRa remote: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his ESP-32 LoRa boards. Posts links to code. 09:15 Jeff: Talks about his lawn tractor. 19:25 Al: Talks about using Google Remote Desktop. 21:30 Jeff: Talks about steering control and extra sensors. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 07142022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 27:03 This video: Chat: Al: Al: How to use GIT / Github in VSCODE for PlatformIO | Teensy | Arduino | Embedded System Al: Al: From Index: 00:00 Al: Explains that he has figured out git-hub. He is using it with VS-Code. He is also using PlatformIO. 11:30 Jeff: Asks about some finer points on building/maintaining the git-hub page. 17:15 Jeff: Gives an update on his lack of progress. 20:15 Al: Goes over a wish list. 20:55 Jeff: Asks about Lithium Ion battery holders. And then some talk about 3D printers. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 07212022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 34:44 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Is talking about his LoRa project. He found a new LoRa library. 08:25 Jeff: Talks about his lawn tractor progress. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 07282022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 46:36 This video: Chat: Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about his lawn tractor progress. Mechanical stories. Welding stories. 12:10 Jeff: Talks about the impending "Loss of Data" on the Slack channel. 22:15 Al: Talks about his TTGO/LoRa boards. His Platform_IO has stopped working. We talk about his code. 34:05 Al: Shows a small greens harvester. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 08042022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 51:21 This video: Chat: Jeff: Jeff's steering motor videos Al: Code Jeff: The GOAT channel Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his radios and computer configuration. 06:30 Jeff: Talks about Slack messages and the 90-day message limit. 13:40 Jeff: Talks about his power steering motor on his lawn tractor. 34:50 Jeff: Talks about adding videos to his personal page instead of the Lawn Tractor page. 38:40 Jeff: Talks about YouTube maintenance. 40:00 Jeff: Mentions the exposure on YouTube, specifically the old ROS Agriculture page. 41:20 Jeff: Complains about his lighting for Zoom videos. 42:30 Al: Talks about his C code. 44:45 Jeff: talks about "GOAT Industries" that he ran across. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 08112022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 37:47 This video: Chat: Kyler Laird's remote control (At around 6:30 is where it lurches): All of Kyler's Tractobots: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his new 3D printed box for his LoRa remote. 02:00 Al: Presents some code. 07:30 More discussion about the box. 09:00 Jeff: Tells story about garage clean out. And a story about a snow blower. 13:10 Al: Suggests making a snow blower computer controlled. 17:20 Jeff: Talks about his "green screen" and controlling background images. 20:15 Al: Shows an industrial remote control he found. 37:05 Jeff: Comments on where videos were posted on YouTube, and the results. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 08182022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 14:44 This video: Chat: Jeff: Jeff: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about progress for his LoRa remote control. He points out some switches and talks about his status LEDs. And battery monitor. 06:25 Al: Talks about his eStop switch. 07:10 Jeff: Asks if the OLED is viewable in sun light. 08:30 Al: Talks about displaying the battery status on his status LEDs. 11:35 Al: Points out where to get cheap batteries. 13:05 Jeff: Isn't doing anything. Then launches into a story about a dirty workbench. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 08252022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 37:11 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Jeff: Tells story about unloading junk on some scrap guys. 03:40 Jeff: Mentions some thoughts on testing. 06:30 Al: Talks about I/O pins on his TTGO ESP32 board. 15:15 Al: Talks about fiber optic gyros. (from an experimental point of view) 23:25 Jeff: Mentions email from Ardusimple. 24:40 Jeff: Talks about YouTube exposure and Slack channel members. 27:50 Conversation moves to the impending Slack channel changes. (and if they are actually valid) Note: They are really going to do this: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 09012022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 50:13 This video: Chat: Jeff : Index of ROS Agriculture and Lawn Tractor meetings: Jeff: My YouTube page: Jeff : Lawn Tractor meetings: Jeff: GOAT: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Gives a re-cap of his remote control system. 04:30 Al: Talks about learning Fritzing. 05:50 More discussion of the radio control architecture. And the OLED display. 07:50 Al: Shows some info in Fritzing. Making printed circuit boards with Fritzing. 15:45 Jeff: Mentions other PCB software. 18:00 Al: Shows where is going to mount a push button on his box. 19:30 Jeff: Talks about go-cart parts for parts. 29:10 Jeff: Talks about the mini quad bike that G.O.A.T. Industries is using. 33:40 Jeff: Mentions using two motors in the rear instead of using a differential. 39:00 Jeff: Asks Matt if he wants an invite to the Slack channel. 39:50 Discussion of the Slack "improvements". 40:35 Brief re-cap of how to access our group. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 09082022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 47:48 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about ordering a PCB that he created using Fritzing. 30:20 Jeff: Talks about reusing R/C cars. 37:40 Jeff: Talks about Go Cart parts and/or fabricating parts. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 09152022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:14:54 This video: Chat: Fancy/expensive robots on eBay: Search eBay for "ros ackermann robot" Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his LoRa remote. Shows his new PC board made with Fritzing. 13:00 Jeff: Suggestion for holes too small. 19:40 Al: Goes over a TO-DO list. 21:20 Jeff: Talks about random thinks he is thinking about or researching. Differentials, transaxles... 25:20 Jeff: Creating steering to match the size and scale of the backend. 40:40 Jeff: Using off-the-shelf kid's cars. 48:30 Differences between Go Carts and robots. (precision) 50:30 Jeff: Fancy/expensive "ROS Ackermann" robots on eBay. 1:05:25 Trying to search for "ros ackerman robot gps". Cheap vs. precise GPS. 1:09:00 Thoughts on R/C cars for ROS robots. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 09292022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:03:08 This video: Chat: Motor running on table: Plot of motor running: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his new code for controlling his power steering motor. 06:10 Jeff: Has comments on what Al is doing. 06:15 - Convert pot value to an intermediate angle value. 10:50 - Discussion of center steer value. 14:15 - Just use P out of P, I, D. Unless you have problems. 18:45 - Ways to debug strange results. 23:30 - Setting artificial end limits in code so don't smash anything 34:50 - Debug print statements may screw up your timing. 44:25 Al: Says he may post updated code. 45:35 More random comments. 48:20 Jeff: Gives another run-down on parts to build a steering system. 53:00 Jeff: Complains that his robot is too heavy. So we talk about Al's Lithium batteries. And voltage regulators (or lack of regulator). Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 10062022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:04:12 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Al: Goes over version 3 code for his power steering motor. Mention of "ledc" which is a high-frequency PWM function. 04:20 Conversions between counts and angles. 28:45 Discussion of noisy analog and resulting jitter. 37:00 Tour of Al's physical layout. 48:00 Jeff: Shows the results of using plastic blocks for steering components. 54:40 Jeff: Points out ways to make a back end for testing. 57:20 Jeff: Size consideration. 1:00:20 Al: Asks about naming and asks what is next. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 10132022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 26:02 This video: Chat: Al's remote code: Al's vehicle controller: Video about Cub Cadet seat switch: Index: 00:00 Al: Gives progress update on his lawn tractor controller and the remote controller. 05:20 Jeff: Shows how he mounted his laptop computer. 08:30 Al: Asks how to secure the screen. I say I just close the lid. Al asks how to prevent it from sleeping. We talk about where to find the setting to control that. 13:45 Al: Mentions powering the laptop from the vehicle battery. 16:30 Jeff: Asks if we are going to get a demo of the tractor moving. 16:50 Jeff: Asks if Al has the eStop figured out with the fuel injected version of the tractor. 22:35 Jeff: Briefly mentions his lack of progress on a new smaller tractor. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 10202022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 53:14 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Radio control software Al: Tractor software: Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Gives progress update on his lawn tractor controller and the remote controller. 02:45 We see a video of Al's lawn tractor driving. 07:00 Jeff: Talks about his progress on building a smaller robot. 21:00 Al: Asks about data logging. 34:50 Discussion of the seat switch and wiring. 42:45 Jeff: Asks if the laptop has a mechanical drive or a solid state drive. (for vibration) 47:15 Jeff: Complains about the way Zoom works... 49:00 Laptop mounting. 50:15 More video demos. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos) and the new Lawn Tractor Automation group: ====== 11032022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 40:07 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Al: Gives progress update on his lawn tractor controller. Mention of remote login. Disk imaging. 04:30 Al: Has his GPS board installed. 05:40 Discussion of udev rules. 13:50 GPS and NavSat driver. 15:45 Jeff: Quick review of the pieces for a a new small robot. 16:20 Jeff: Some thoughts on reducing the size. And methods of fabrication. 21:20 Jeff: Talk about making the front end match the width of the back end. Discussion of bolt sizes. 24:50 Talk about different ball joints from Amazon. 26:00 Talk about cutting threads. 28:10 Pros and cons of metric vs. SAE hardware. 31:35 Prices at hardware stores vs. Menard's vs. Fleet Farm. More random discussions and complaints... Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 11102022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 8:38 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about updating his GPS driver to work with ROS Noetic. 06:15 Al: Talks about Odom. (looks like left and right wheel sensors) 07:10 He is installing simulator on his lawn tractor laptop (for some reason). Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 11172022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:00:27 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Al: Al: Al: Here is a description of using just GPS and to do localization. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Shows his axle that he cut to reduce the length. 01:50 Al: Gives a status update. Comments on GPS, encoder. 03:45 Al: Talks about trying to get his Chips IMU running again. 05:30 Al: Watched some GPS videos. 05:55 Al: Mentions the original code. Posts another link to a navigation video. 06:10 He is thinking about jumping into EKF and applying all of his sensors. 08:45 Al: More details about what he plans to do. PlatformIO, another video 10:00 Jeff: Suggests not jumping into EKF and just using GPS. 12:05 Discussing the "modified" NMEA NavSat driver. 14:50 Jeff: Complains about trying to use Google Drive. 17:20 Jeff: Mentions a script that extracts velocity and heading from a standard navsat/vel message. Back to Mentions this meeting where the multiple copies of were running: 10082021 Lawn Tractor Automation meeting 20:20 Talk about fixing or removing behavior trees that were added for the stage simulator. 22:35 Jeff: Mentions difference between various navigation packages. 23:20 Jeff: Again complains that he can't find any of the old data. 29:15 Snow??? 29:45 Al: Points out he has his own backups. 33:50 Jeff: Babbles incoherently... 34:35 Al: Says his Teensy code no longer compiles. 41:30 Al: Mentions he is going to use the URDF file from my Gazebo simulator code. I missed it when he said that, but I caught it when he says it again later... 42:10 Jeff: More excuses for a small robot. 43:25 More reiteration on what Al is about to do. 44:30 Jeff: Asks which computer is running which nodes. 46:30 We start looking at launch files and I suggest going back to the original launch files and nodes from his RPi. 55:20 Al: Points out he is determined to use some of the shiny new code from my simulator project, that does not apply. And this is where he says he wants to use the URDF from the simulator. I said "Don't". Part of the confusion may be due to missing ROS packages. 59:30 "The Punch Line" Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 12012022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:07:00 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Jeff: Gives a tour of his new small robot progress. 10:50 Al: Gives a status update. Points out he can't get his vehicle to move. 13:30 Al: Can't get current stuff to work so he is looking at other navigation packages. 14:05 Jeff: Says maybe he was too hasty in recommending stripping down the navigation stack. 18:45 Leading up to a live debug session... 24:30 Discussion of what RVIZ publishes when you click 2D-NavGoal. 31:30 Some searching to see what topic name move_base_flex wants to see. 39:00 Start of live debugging. 1:01:30 Jeff: Suggests to also check cmd_vel to see if it needs renamed. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 12092022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:04:23 This video: Chat: Jeff: My older robots: Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Gives a second tour of his new small robot progress. 05:25 Bottom view showing servo mounted to axle. Steering control arms. 08:00 Discussion of weight. 10:50 Image for size comparison. (Wrong screen confusion.) 15:05 What about batteries? 17:10 Robot line-ups. 20:15 What GPS to use. uBlox M8T and RTK-Lib? 22:00 Al: Gives a status update. 23:05 Al: Suggests loading a new computer with his tractor_laptop_ROS_workspace and see if it still works. 23:45 Al: Explains his current problem. And adding a map. 33:30 Google Maps vs. Google Earth. 34:05 Discussion/confusion about various origins. 56:20 Origin vs. origin. [Pause] 57:35 Al gives a recap of what we hashed out. 1:00:45 Jeff gives a recap of his interpretation. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 12162022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 33:17 This video: Chat: Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Shows the mostly completed steering on his new small robot. 10:45 Al: Starts with a status update. New bag file, RVIZ problems. New battery management system for his LIPO battery. He has pots for real time control of his PID parameters. He is consolidating his code, pictures and documentation on his github site. 12:30 Al: Shows his development roadmap. 13:20 Al: Shows his RVIZ screen. 13:50 Al: Shows pictures of his electronics on his lawn tractor. 15:25 Al: Goes back to a live RVIZ screen. 20:55 Jeff: Asks about battery monitoring. (with the fancy new BMS) 22:55 Al: Shows pictures of his phone app to show battery monitoring. 30:50 Al: Sums up where he is. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 12222022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:33:52 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Shows latest progress on his new steering. 05:55 Al: Starts with a status update. Shows some RVIZ screens to show positions. 08:00 Al: Has modified his geonav software. 10:20 Al: Is looking at using parameters. 11:50 Al: Added PID values to his output screen. 12:10 Al: List of things to do. 12:40 We start looking at Al's current problems. URDF file. 15:15 Jeff: Asks if it will run right now to do real-time debugging. 16:40 We go to a saved RVIZ screen to look at TF errors. 22:25 We decide to pause the video and Al runs out and sets up his lawn tractor. [Pause] Now the GPS is broken. 24:30 Terry joined us. Talks about autonomous snow removal. Discussion of using Milwaukee M18 drill batteries. 31:05 Al: Posts a link to his github for his documentation. 31:50 Al: Was doing experimentation on his GPS driver code (while Terry was talking). We do a lot more digging through code. 37:30 Al: Restates the obvious goal "just get it to move from point A to point B". More digging through code... We try lots of things. 52:05 We finally resort to deleting build and devel directories and doing catkin_make. 53:15 While it is rebuilding we talk about Terry's project some more. Various ways to remove snow. 55:45 Al: Tries to give up again. But we won't let him. 56:45 We go back to reading the actual messages from the GPS to compare. 1:02:50 Al: Mentions various links as a learning source. 1:04:35 We decide to verify that the working program and the non-working program are both talking to the same port. 1:06:20 We find that the two programs are pointing to different ports (which is bad). Just as the catkin_make is finishing. 1:09:30 He fires it up again and the GPS works. So we spend a couple minutes deducing why the port changed. 1:12:00 Al starts up everything and the TF errors are gone. 1:16:30 The tractor isn't where expected. So Al is going to run outside and carry the antenna around. [Pause] 1:17:15 We are back and can see the antenna moving. 1:18:50 Terry: Asks about the accuracy of Al's GPS. 1:21:05 Analysis of why the tractor position has the wrong offset. 1:22:50 Terry: Asks "what is TF?" Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 12292022 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:33:04 This video: Chat: Al: Jeff: rostopic pub -1 /turtle1/command_velocity turtlesim/Velocity -- 2.0 1.8 Jeff: Jeff: rostopic pub [topic] [msg_type] [args] Jeff: Terry: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Gives a demo of the mostly completed steering on his new small robot. 05:15 Jeff: Talks about drill batteries. 10:10 Al: Compares his lithium batteries. 12:20 Al: Talks about Jeff's steering again. Questions about the position sensor in these R/C servos 17:45 Jeff: Talks about possibly adjusting the pot and getting better tracking. 20:15 Al: Shows a simulated vehicle so he can see the cmd_vel that is coming out. 36:50 Al: Reiterates what he thinks he is getting. 40:00 Jeff: Suggests directly publishing a cmd_vel to verify that works. 49:00 Okay, we finally figured out how to publish a cmd_vel. 53:00 We proved the vehicle will drive faster. So the problem seems to be TEB planner parameters. 54:30 Terry: Gives a quick update and asks how to proceed. Discussion of simple motor control. And an Ada Fruit Itsy-Bitsy board. SAMD_PWM function. Suggestion of ros_serial. 1:02:15 Al: Gives a brief overview of how does low level motor control. 1:03:45 Jeff: Says where to find this github. But it also gets posted to chat. 1:04:10 More talk about ros_serial. 1:05:00 Jeff: Talks about quadrature decode. 1:05:55 Al: Asks about Terry's Itsy-Bitsy board. 1:10:00 Al: Talks about simulation. Some exploration of his simulation shows up. Attempting to fix the vehicle being below the ground plane. 1:28:30 Some talk about how to create a map. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 20230105 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 27:15 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Parameters: - Model: XJD-X1 Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Mentions shorter screws and bolts. 00:35 Jeff: Talks about R/C servos, wire ferrules, cable clamps, grounding the frame 02:45 Jeff: Gives a status update on what Terry is doing. He has his dual channel Cytron driver board working with an Ada Fruit ItsyBitsy board. Possibly weird problems with ground wires. 05:10 Jeff: Talks about snow blower concepts. 05:50 Jeff: Is back to indexing ROS Agriculture videos. 200 of 250 completed. 07:20 Al: Talks about file maintenance. 09:50 Al: Talks about workspace maintenance. 13:30 Al: Found out why his internet connection was being rejected. 15:25 Al: Is trying to find old code/videos. We go through how to find the ROS Lawn Tractor Meeting index and the ROS Agriculture meeting index. Turns out it was the description of creating a path with Dubin's is what he was looking for. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 20230112 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 52:57 This video: Chat: Al's github page: Al's instructions for installing a simulator: Index: 00:00 Al: Gives a status update. Modified some dimensions on his simulator model. 01:20 Al: Talks about path generation. Referring to this video: 03:40 Al: Talks about his speed problem. 04:25 Discussion of velocity units. 07:20 Al: Talks about his github organization. And more comments of paths. 10:35 Jeff: Shows the crimp on wire ferrules he mentioned last week. 13:55 Jeff: Holds up a single channel Cytron board. And Terry's grounding issue is discussed. 16:25 Jeff: Random updates on what did (or did not) do. 17:15 Terry: Talks about the communication protocol for his drill batteries. 24:05 Terry: Talks about controlling his motors with a PID function. 28:40 Terry: Asks if ROS will control accel/decel or do you have to do it yourself. 30:20 Al: Brings up processor speed for quadrature decode. 33:15 Jeff: Again brings up the concept of using a cheap Blue Pill board as a smart peripheral. And a discussion about SAMD21 vs. SAMD51. Because Jeff was confused. 34:45 Terry: Plans to address his motor control. Discussion of the Milwaukee drill battery. 38:40 Al: Shows his battery management software monitor. 40:30 Jeff: Asks about the battery adapter for the drill battery. 43:30 Terry: Shows a voltage convertor he ordered. 44:55 More discussion on decoding the battery protocol. 48:15 Terry: Points out where he is loading software. He is going to put Zener diodes on his voltage dividers. 49:15 Al: Points out the obvious. 49:50 Jeff: Talks again about automatically verifying his R/C servos. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 20230119 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 2:27:36 This video: Chat: Articulated Robotics: Robot Shop of Horrors: Twin Cities Robotics meetings: Jeff's old member page: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Shows his dual motor drive train. 10:20 Jeff: Talks about selecting a microcontroller board. 20:50 Jeff: Talks about the latest version of the giant servo he ordered. And general R/C servo testing. 24:20 Jeff: Talks about some optoisolators he ordered. 30:30 Jeff: Stories of Robot Shop of Horrors and Twin Cities Robotics meetings. 32:10 Jeff: Servo testing, buying parts. 36:10 Terry: Talks about Articulated Robotics channel. 38:35 Terry: Gives an update on his motor control progress. 41:55 Al: Give a quick demo of his simulated vehicle to show the speed control problem. [Warning, we spend the 1-1/2 hours trying to figure out what the problem is.] 53:45 We fire up dynamic_reconfigure to view and change parameters on the fly. We verify that we can view and change values. We can save all parameters and load them back in. 1:13:30 We come to the conclusion that base_local_parameters are probably not used at all. 1:16:30 We print out the loop rate that the planner is running at. 1:25:05 The question is asked if the forward velocity is reducing if the vehicle veers right and left. Yes, it looks like that is a problem. 1:40:40 Jeff's package just showed up. 1:44:10 Maybe the (modified)cmd_vel to ackermann translator is changing values? 1:45:15 Terry leaves (so he knows where to pick this up if he wants to) 1:48:06 So in re-watching the video, I see at this point that I can see the global plan keeps replanning. That pulls the path out from underneath and hands it a new one. That could confuse it. You may be able to disable the global replanning. I think it is either a TRUE/FALSE in the global planner parameters. Or it is a global replan rate in the same place. 1:52:50 The concept of switching from Al's lawn tractor back to Jeff's mini-tractor comes up. 2:12:50 move_base_flex? 2:15:25 We go look at parameters after switching vehicles. 2:15:50 It just occurred to me that teb local planner needs to know wheelbase. So it is probably defined in the teb local planner yaml file. So that is another place to change values if switching between vehicles. 2:20:00 Discussion of how to get all these random variables to match up automatically. 2:23:10 Jeff: Shows his new ASMC-04B servo he just got in the mail. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 20230126 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 47:53 This video: Chat: Jeff: Giant R/C servos ordered from Amazon ASMC-04A 110kg/cm - 0.12sec/60deg - $53 with no "servo plate" ASMC-04B 180kg/cm - 0.5sec/60deg - $57 with "servo plate" Jeff: Jeff: Jeff: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Gives a demo of his giant R/C servos moving and talks about them. 06:50 Terry: Talks a bout PID libraries for Arduino type boards. Interrupts and volatile variables. 09:25 Al: Says he has a PID example in his github. We post a link in chat to Al's code. 14:30 Al: Presents his "Vehicle Dimension Helper" file. Foot Print definition. Talks about how to create the Foot Print. We post a link in chat to Al's spreadsheet. 22:30 Al: Mentions a Zoom meeting he listened in on. 23:45 Talk about all the various file locations for numbers. 25:10 We track down Al's spreadsheet on his github. 35:10 We track down the files that have the PID code. 40:45 Mention of how remote control ties into this. 43:30 Jeff: Asks what this is used for. It is the steering control. Some discussion which sensors are being used for steering. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 20230202 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:01:33 This video: Chat: Jeff: Giant R/C servos ordered from Amazon ASMC-04A 110kg/cm - 0.12sec/60deg - $53 with no "servo plate" Jeff: Code change in to fix velocity: Was odom.child_frame_id = 'base_footprint' odom.pose.pose = result.pose # odom.twist.twist = result.twist Now odom.child_frame_id = 'base_footprint' odom.pose.pose = result.pose # odom.twist.twist = result.twist x = float(result.twist.linear.x) y = float(result.twist.linear.y) odom.twist.twist.linear.x = float(sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)) # odom.twist.twist.linear.z = float(atan2(y,x)) odom.twist.twist.angular.z = result.twist.angular.z And you have to add this at the top somewhere: from math import atan2, sqrt Jeff: Thread on HBRC about logic analyzers: A reference to the analyzers on eBay: Big selection from Amazon: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Gives a demo of his new fast giant R/C servos on his robot. 03:05 Jeff: Says he played with the simulator package to fix the speed. Describes the problem and possible fix. Demo coming up later. 06:45 Terry: Is working on his PID code. Shows some logic analyzer plots. Battery monitoring with A/D. Starting with ROS. Vacation plans. 11:30 Al: Random comments on code and PID. 12:15 Al: Skipped over the speed problems and is working with Move Base Flex and waypoints. 16:00 Al: Demo of what he is working on. 18:10 A question comes up about driving backwards. 22:10 More comments on purposely driving backwards. 24:40 Jeff: Gives an explanation for his changes. 29:30 Jeff: Starts a demo. 46:45 Al: Asks about Terry's logic analyzer. Terry describes his USBee-SX. 57:50 Some discussion on the current Gazebo simulation model and switching different models. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 20230209 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting This video: Chat: Al: Jeff: Al: Terry: Jeff: Set GPS to ideal to closer represent RTK: See note below... Al: Al: Path Planning for Mobile Robot using Dubins-curve based RRT Algorithm with Differential Constraints Jeff: The global Dubins-RRT planner I found: (Turns out this is not made for ROS) Note: YouTube doesn't like the greater-than and less-than characters in the description. So I deleted the URDF GPS noise changes from chat. See the changes @43:00 in video. Index: 00:00 Terry: Mentions his PID. He is loading ROS on a laptop. He found more information on Milwaukee drill batteries. He burned up his Itsy-Bitsy board. 02:00 Terry: Talks about power distribution. He is using Eagle to create schematics for documentation. 04:30 Jeff: Suggests looking at Fritzing for creating wiring diagrams. 05:20 Terry: Found some information on the drill battery data protocol. 09:50 Al: Points out you can also create PC boards from Fritzing. And prebuilt libraries are available. 10:45 Terry: Posts a link the drill battery on Redit. 11:10 Al: Talks about orientations in Gazebo and RVIZ. 15:30 Jeff: Questions sensor placement. 21:15 Al: Has a video of path following. 23:50 Al: Found an implementation for Pure Pursuit. 24:55 Al: Shows a small computer he found. 30:25 Al: Asks for suggestions on speed at weigh points. Jeff suggests turning on odom markers when driving around in RVIZ. 30:55 Discussion on Pure Pursuit and where is has been used. 35:15 Discussion of speed at weight points. 41:05 Jeff: Talks about removing the "noise" from the simulated GPS. 49:55 Jeff: Mentions quality of messages from Gazebo. 52:50 More discussion about reverse engineering drill batteries. 56:20 Reminder that the method in ROS is not sacred. You can replace the navigation stack completely. You may not want to plan around obstacles. 57:45 Mention of dubins-RRT planner. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 20230216 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:02:30 This video: Chat: Path to Al's stuff. Jeff: Path to saved workspaces on Google drive. Al: Some reference to path name. python script sub/pub rospy.Subscriber('got_path', Float64, path_callback) path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/drive_path', Path, queue_size=10) Jeff: Link to YouTube video about using 03052021 Lawn Tractor Meeting Al: Instructions on using the path generator from above. Jeff: Link to the F1tenth Pure Pursuit Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his progress with path following. Shows a video. Explains some code. 09:50 Jeff: Talks about path planning and suggests that MoveBaseFlex/TEBplanner may never give adequate results. Mentions Pure Pursuit. 11:20 Jeff: Brings up Matt and Juan's Pure Pursuit experiments. 12:00 Jeff: Goes searching for Juan's original source code. Found the Pure Pursuit package. We look at: Pure Pursuit 22:40 Jeff: Incorrectly opens when he should have opened But no one noticed... 24:25 Jeff: Tracks down the YouTube video where we were explaining some variation of 28:50 Look at launch files. 34:50 We go back and look at Pure Pursuit code again. 39:40 Jeff: Goes looking for the Pure Pursuit code from last week. 43:15 Finally found the repository. 46:43 Finally found the Pure Pursuit controller code. 50:00 We go back and look at path_publisher from Juan's repository. 1:01:25 Al: Says is going to spend some time on his remote control. Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 20230223 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 2:00:26 This video: Chat: Al: Story about Alan's scooter project: Search for "28 May 1999" And note the phrase "Arghhhhhhhh. I look at the switch, and I can see really pretty green explosions going on INSIDE the switch that is lighting up all the way through the switch's plastic parts." These old accounts of experiments are hillarious. That's why it was called "Robot Shop of Horrors"! Al: Jeff, is this the package you used? Jeff: == Matt's demo of his Pure Pursuit == Quick mention Lawn Tractor Meeting 08232019 @56:00 Lawn tractor meeting 11062020 @29:50 Lawn Tractor Meeting-v4zdeQC9RCg @12:16 Index: 00:00 Terry: Got replacements for his Itsy-Bitsy board he blew out. He talks about wiring and relays. 02:05 Mechanical relays or solid state relays? Story of abusing switches. 06:20 When do you have to worry about your robots killing people? 07:30 Terry is working on wiring. 07:45 Terry: Talks about drilling stainless steel. And next steps. 10;10 Jeff: Mentions the Milwaukee drill battery project. 12:55 Al: github - speed, physical implementation, tuning. Organizing embedded software. Remote control. ESP32 communication. 16:25 Al: chatGPT 18:25 Terry: Asks where the 0.73 come from? 20:05 Differences between two-wheel differential drive and 4-wheel differential drive. 21:15 Jeff: Presentation on Pure Pursuit control. (For the next 1-1/2 hours) Hacking of existing code. 36:00 Terry: Asks if you can also control external functions. 40:35 Running multiple planners in parallel. 41:30 Creating actual scenarios to create path planning methods. 43:55 Creating maps to represent the real world. More description of Pure Pursuit. 53:55 Cross track error. 57:35 Starting in the proper location. 59:40 cmd_vel, ackermann_vel 1:02:05 Does Pure Pursuit currently control speed? 1:03:40 Demo time... 1:37:10 Running Pure Pursuit and Move Base at the same time. 1:42:55 Terry: Asks if rviz can plot the area covered by his snow plow. 1:45:10 Al: Asks what the launch file for Pure Pursuit looks like. 1:51:15 Jeff: Says this is how you fix the steering angle that he screwed up. The comment is how to fix the "right_steering_joint", but you also have to fix "left_steering_joint". 1:53:30 Al: Asks about "/got_path", Jeff says "throw it out". 1:56:40 Simulated vehicle vs. real vehicle. 1:57:40 ROS2 NAV2? Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): ====== 20230302 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 46:47 This video: Chat: Al: Index: 00:00 Terry: Is again having trouble drilling his stainless steel panel. 02:05 Terry: Wiring plans. 03:15 More about drilling stainless steel and tempered steel. 06:00 Al: Talks about his embedded code. ROS Serial. 10:20 Jeff: A quick way to show path coverage in RVIZ. 22:10 Jeff: Talks about cross track error. 29:00 Jeff: Talks about choosing a processor board (yet again). Wiring methods. 35:55 Jeff: Comments about using a Blue Pill board as an Arduino. 36:50 Using uart communication between low level boards. 43:25 Discussion about remote control. === Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (or newest file) ====== 20230309 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:32:06 This video: Chat: Jeff: Ubuntu Mate 20.04 Raspberry Pi 3B (This wasn't obvious, so I'm not going to make any recommendations.) Al: Prebuilt Raspberry Pi image notes. Jeff: Ubiquity images : LinoRobot code: Presentation: Al: sample udev rules Jeff: Linux command to show secrets... dmesg OR dmesg --follow OR dmesg -w Jeff: The quadrature decode example for STM32. Al: $65 Cortex M4 Al: Roger Clark site Jeff: Other Roger Clark / STM32duino links: Index: 00:00 Terry: Battery mounting. Wiring - switches, power convertors, fuse block. 02:10 Terry: Loading ROS on Raspberry Pi. Desktop vs. server. Ubiquity image? Lino Robot image? Discussion on installing different images. 09:45 Terry: Talks about his ROS to microcontroller communication method. ROS Serial or hand built protocol. UART Vs. USB. 15:40 Terry: Wants some way to identify which port is plugged in. We discuss udev rules. 23:55 Jeff: Talks more about serial interfaces. 29:00 Terry: Asks how to power the boards. 33:45 Back to serial discussion. 36:30 Terry: Asks which diode to use. 38:10 Jeff: Mentions bootloaders. Then talks about a quadrature decode example. Will not compile on Windows. Loaded Arduino and a STM32 core on Linux. That compiles. Long story of loading drivers to get the STM32 ST Link module to work. 42:00 Jeff: Goes back to Windows machine to fix it. Replacing the STM32 core fixed it. But ST Link module no longer works. 43:05 Jeff: "Now I can compile and upload under Arduino on Linux." 43:15 Jeff: Back to bootloaders. 46:00 Back to the quadrature story. 47:05 Back to bootloaders again. 50:50 The ultimate goal of total in-circuit programming. 51:25 Down the stm32duino rabbit hole. 56:20 Other than that, Jeff hasn't been doing anything, except thinking about wiring up a physical board. Can be compiled and programmed with either Arduino IDE or ST Micro IDE. 59:15 Al: Asks for confirmation that this is all figured out. 1:05:00 Jeff: Talks about difference between ROS Serial and hand built protocol. 1:14:40 Al: Goes over changes he is making. Messages, servo resolution, mode switch, test driving, PID settings. Next steps. 1:17:15 Al: Shows his current board and goes through code changes. Changing from ESP32servo.h to ledc.h to improve servo resolution. Other changes and description. ===== Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (or newest file) ====== 20230316 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:39:53 This video: Chat: Al: GitHub initial use instructions (rough) Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about speed control. Speed sensing, PID control. 03:20 Al: Playback of speed control testing. 06:25 Al: Shows the code he is using. 07:55 Al: Next steps. 08:25 Terry: Asks about one wheel sensor vs. two. 09:15 Al: Goes over how his encoders work. 12:45 Terry: Talks about his progress. Battery mounting, wiring, 15:25 Terry: Loading software on RPi and laptop. 16:00 Terry: Next steps. Battery monitoring, RPi to laptop communication, mount circuitry on robot. VNC server on RPi. Start going through ROS tutorials. 19:30 Bump sensors and IR distance sensors. 21:40 A discussion about github. 25:15 Al: Shows a quick demo of VS Code integration with a github. 34:40 Jeff: Launches into to his experiments/progress on Blue Pill and Black Pill boards. Blue Pill with Arduino and bootloader. Differences in Arduino cores. 40:45 Gave up on DFU bootloader and switched to an HID bootloader that seems to work. 43:00 Trying to get encoder code to run. 44:55 Out of frustration, the Black Pill boards were ordered. Some description of Black Pill. Differences between programming the Blue Pill and Black Pill boards. 47:50 Black Pill board will not run the encoder code from the Blue Pill. 49:00 Installed STM32CubeIDE to attack the problem a different way. Figured out how to get the USB port to act like CDC serial port. Encoder and USB working for STM32F103, but on STM32F401. 50:40 Assumption the clocks are wrong, played with clock configuration. 55:30 Encoder now working on Black Pill STM32F401. Comparison of usage and programming. 58:45 Standard Arduino function vs. non-standard functions. 59:30 What next? 1:00:00 Physical prototyping and development. Which peripherals is Arduino using? What peripherals do I need to make my robot work? 1:08:00 Communication between low level controller and high level controller. ROS Serial? 1:08:55 Terry: Suggests adding limit to switches to steering (or whatever you are moving). 1:16:20 Al: Suggests monitoring current to detect a mechanical fault condition. 1:18:45 Al: Asks about setting programming mode on Black Pill board. 1:21:05 Al: Asks about using interrupts instead of I2C interface. Some discussion of his magnetic absolute shaft encoder chip. 1:34:50 Discussion on transporting your vehicle to a testing location. 1:36:00 Comments on Terry's automated snow blower. ===== Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (or newest file) ====== 20230323 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 45:20 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Terry: Talks about a dead laptop. Loading a spare laptop. 04:30 Terry: Is documenting his plans/progress. 07:00 Jeff: Continuing saga of ST Micro processor boards. Probably giving up on Arduino for STM32. The Arduino for STM32 has various problems that I can't figure out. Bluepill (STM32F103), Blackpill (STM32F401), STM32F407VE, F4-Discovery (STM32F407VG). 11:50 Moving to STM32CubeIDE, libraries, USB. 13:45 Comments about using the A/D inputs. 14:10 Comments about encoders and other timers. 15:00 Giving up on Arduino IDE. 15:20 Setting the clock speed the same across boards to allow cut and paste between projects. 16:00 Testing and verifying the 3 "extra" timers. 16:20 Showing a couple of encoders used for testing. 18:10 Prototyping methods. 19:25 UARTs for remote control and debug. 20:25 Configuring the processor. Peripherals vs. pins. 21:15 Adding the LORA radio board. 22:00 Al: Asks which board will be used. Size vs. pins vs. peripherals vs. pin configuration. 24:20 Al: Asks about encoders. 25:20 Header pins. 27:00 Al: Shows his status. He is working on wheel odometry. Problems with IMU. 29:10 Terry: About heading vs. Yaw vs. rotational rate. More on Al's code. 34:40 ROSSerial. 38:30 Jeff: More comments about analog inputs on ST Micro parts. 40:50 Al: Shows how he tracks his pins. 42:35 Pin remapping on modern processors. One more advantage/headache. ===== Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (or newest file) ====== 20230330 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 50:45 This video: Chat: Jeff: SerialTransfer for Arduino communications: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Continuing saga of ST Micro processor boards. Bluepill (STM32F103), Blackpill (STM32F401), STM32F407VE, F4-Discovery (STM32F407VG). Overall description of pros and cons. Shows the dual processor master/slave prototype. 10:20 Al: Asks about the visualizer software that was posted to slack. 11:25 Al: Talks about implementing wheel odometry. 14:50 Jeff: Mentions difference between "real" wheel odometry and what Gazebo is providing. 17:55 Terry: Suggests periodically "syncing" the wheel odometry to the GPS. 24:05 Jeff: Mentions that Ros Serial also works on the Blue Pill board. And that you could use something different from a Blue Pill board as your master processor. SerialTransfer can use UART or I2C or SPI for a connection. 26:00 Terry: Talks about loading Ubuntu on laptops. Future plans. 33:15 Mention of zones and speeds. 35:35 Enabling VNC. 37:30 Jeff: Asks about the steps Terry used when loading Ubuntu. Discussion of Terry's several computers. Jeff is confused about Terry's Windows computer. Laptop memory. == Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (or newest file) ====== 20230406 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 42:14 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Continuing saga of ST Micro processor boards. Talks about powering boards from either USB or externally, or both. USB hub vs. hacking USB cables. Modular design. Physical relays vs. solid state relays for eStop circuit. 13:10 Al: Asks what the extra lines were on the diagrams. Which USB hub to use? 17:00 Terry: Laptop stories. Buying a new laptop. 23:55 Terry: Is working with the tutorials and writing new code. 25:10 Terry: Currently: VNC, prototyping, ROS on RPi. 25:40 Al: Asks about Terry's code experiments. 27:55 Al: Posts a link to configuring/building laptops and a link to a USB hub. 28:55 Al: Talks about odometry/location progress. 34:40 Al: Ordered two of the Black Pill F411 boards. STM32 bootloaders. 40:20 Al: Asks Jeff where he got his LORA boards. == Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (or newest file) ====== 20230413 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:03:28 This video: Chat: Al: Jeff: Jeff: Al: STM32F411CEU6 core board V3.0 Freq. 100MHZ ROM:512KB RAM:128KB Jeff: Jeff: Index: 00:00 Terry: Goes over progress learning TurtleSim and writing code to drive it. 04:50 Al: Shows his wheel odom and GPS odom test results. 09:40 Al: Talks about his Pure Pursuit experiments on a simulator. 13:20 Al: Issues with git. 14:20 Al: What's next. 14:40 Jeff: Talks about his project powering multiple Adruino-type boards. 21:00 Jeff: Says his snow is gone so he could start playing with his lawn tractor again. 22:35 Jeff: Mentions the variations of cmd_vel, modified cmd_vel, ackermann_cmd_stamped, and ackermann_cmd. 36:15 Al: Shows his USB hub. 38:25 Al: Talks about his new Black Pill F411 boards. (For rest of meeting) == Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (or newest file) ====== 20230420 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 43:08 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Jeff: Random updates. Cell modem doesn't work. 3G vs. 4G? Screwed up his cell phone during debug. Various alternate methods of transferring correction data. 03:00 Jeff: New fiber optic Internet (that isn't hooked up yet). 04:25 Al: Has a list of things he is doing. Pure Pursuit, vehicle speed. Status lights. IMU problems. Black Pill won't program. Ideas for organizing a GPS base station. 07:25 Al: Shows some plots. 11:35 Jeff: Asks about turning radius. 17:55 Al: Now has a mysterious offset when he starts up. 19:10 Al: Talks about his status LEDs. 21:20 Al: Safety features. 23:55 Al: Ardusimple survey package. (As an example) 26:05 Discussion about programming a Black Pill board. 30:15 Al: Next steps. 31:25 Jeff: Asks about Al's IMU. 37:50 git problems. Back to the problem. 39:30 More analysis of plots. == Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (or newest file) ====== 20230427 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 43:55 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Jeff: Cell modem account cancelled. Now what? 02:50 Terry: Has another dead Unbuntu install. Need backup? 07:30 Jeff: Asks about updates on using drill batteries. 08:15 Al: Talks about his giant R/C servo for transmission control. Shows pictures of his servo arm. Shows graph of speeds. 17:00 Jeff: Asks about GPS speeds vs. wheel speeds. Calculated angular rotation vs. rotation directly from IMU. Mounting plate that came with Super Servo. 23:25 Removing the spring from inside of the transmission. 25:40 Jeff: Asks about Al's big tractor. 26:00 Software speed control loop fighting the engine governor speed control loop. 32:00 We start looking at actual data from odometry and IMU. 38:20 Quaternions in Plot Juggler. And custom series. == Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230504 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 43:33 This video: Chat: Al: Something to share # might be useful if trying to use STM32 board ESP-NOW (DroneRobot Workshop) (Andrea Spiess) (packet loss analysis) Robo Tank Index: 00:00 Terry: Updates on laptops and software experiments. 02:20 Jeff: Talks about telemetry radios. 14:30 Also have LORA and WiFi to try instead. 15:00 Maybe make a GPS base station. 16:45 Jeff: Pulled an EarthWise reel type push mower out of the trash. 20:15 Al: Talks about sending parameters to his vehicle microcontroller. 22:20 Al: Talks about different versions of ROS-Serial he has tried. 27:15 Al: Safety switches. (Stopping on loss of signal) 32:20 Al: Interesting links to share. 37:00 Al: Next steps - Pure Pursuit and velocities. 39:40 Jeff: We need to create a list to modify on the "standard" Pure Pursuit package. == Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230511 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 40:30 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Terry: Discusses his laptops. Dual boot, replacing hard drives, external hard drives. 06:30 Jeff: Adding old scrap lawn mowers to the Sammy2 mini-tractor. 09:15 Jeff: Talks about his telemetry radio experiments. 14:00 Al: Talks about ground plots. 15:35 Al: Radio problems. Blocking calls affecting loop rate. 28:30 Jeff: Breaks in with urgent news... 28:45 Jeff: Makes comments on the ground plots from earlier in this video. 33:15 Al: Shows some connectors and asks for some advice. == Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230518 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:06:12 This video: Chat: Command to fetch correction data and send it to the radio. str2str -in ntrip://'USERID':'PASSWORD''RTCM_32_NAD83(2011)'#rtcm3 -out serial://ttyUSB0:57600 -p 45.01249983 -93.24395717 235 -t 0 -n 1000 Command to fetch correction data and save it to a file str2str -in ntrip://'USERID':'PASSWORD''RTCM_32_NAD83(2011)'#rtcm3 -out file://rtcm3.bin -p 45.01249983 -93.24395717 235 -t 0 -n 1000 Command to convert correction data to a readable format. convbin usb1.bin -r rtcm3 Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about his telemetry radio experiments. Verifying data. Logging with Putty or writing to file using RTKlib str2str tool. Shows wiring and explains connections. Explanation of more experiments. 32:15 Thoughts on range checking. 35:10 Terry: Asks about correction data reliability. 39:00 Jeff: Shows the two types of radios that he has. 42:55 Jeff: Mentions also trying to get cell phone to provide correction data. 47:55 Terry: Talks about laptops. And he has another new laptop. 54:20 Al: Talks about his LORA radios. 59:00 Discussion of loop rates and stopping distance. 1:01:00 Another discussion about stopping distance. Some final comments about safety. == Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230525 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 35:30 This video: Chat: The new Ardusimple GNSS Master cell phone app. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Got his cell phone to provide RTK correction data for the F9P GNSS receiver. 08:50 Terry: Talks about laptops. And here is going next. And the Linux history command. 11:40 Al: Talks about his LORA radios. Println vs. ROS Serial. 18:20 Discussion about sending messages both directions. 27:00 Al: Has another dead laptop. 27:30 Mentions of Linux swap file size. 29:00 Al: Mentions "ESP Now" for communications. 32:35 Jeff: Asks about Al's previous experiments. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230601 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 47:41 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Jeff: Quick mention of the cell phone CORS RTK correction data. 01:00 Jeff: Yes, after all this time, the Sammy2 robot still moves... And next steps. 02:00 Jeff: Steering calibration, yet again. Doing everything from remote control box and not using ROS command line. Rotational velocity vs. steering angle for control. 09:00 Using the switches on the remote for other control situations. 12:00 Using the switches to specify a path to be run. 15:50 Or, if running a navigation stack, have it post preprogrammed nav goals. More random discussion about procedures and remote control modifications. 38:00 Al: Status and ToDo list. LORA radio libraries. Some description of how his code works. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230608 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 51:17 This video: Chat: Jeff: Examples of driving big motors from R/C signals. Using R/C servo Using Arduino Driver boards from videos: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Possibly convert big (power steering) motors into R/C servos. 19:20 Jeff: Ponders running your vehicle steering in parallel with a simulator. 27:25 Al: Says he may modify his firmware just to listen to cmd_vel for this test. 27:45 Al: Explains his current control architecture. 30:25 ROS Serial vs. custom serial. 31:10 Diagrams of Al's control system. 44:15 Visio vs. Freeform vs. hand drawn 47:00 Al: No GPS, udev rules, communications. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230615 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 44:05 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Terry: Gives quick update on his status. 00:35 Jeff: Makes comments about his attempts to convert a power steering motor to R/C control. 06:40 Jeff: Shows some AS5600 magnetic shaft encoders from Amazon. Monitor carburetor throttle plate, for example. 12:20 Al: Gives update on his path following experiments. Comments about his transmission not maintaining constant speed. 25:00 Jeff: Mentions providing a valid path that Pure Pursuit expects. 25:50 Jeff: cmd_vel vs. ackermann_cmd. 39:20 Jeff: Makes comments on the difference between rotational velocity and steer angle. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230622 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 18:43 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Jeff: Says he hasn't gotten anything done. (comments about making power steering motor into R/C servo) 01:00 Terry: Also says he hasn't gotten anything done either. 01:20 Al: Shows his giant R/C servo he built from scratch. 03:10 Al: Shows a new giant R/C servo (Model DH-03x). And a 3D printed mounting bracket. 04:40 Terry: Asks Al about making counter sunk (beveled?) holes with the 3D printer. 06:10 Jeff: Says the DH-03x servo is the same one he used on his Sammy2 Mini-tractor for steering. 07:15 Jeff: Adds more info about the "giant servos". 12:00 Jeff: Mentions a YouTube video he just watched: Here is another one: 16:05 Jeff: Asks about Al's numbers for steer angle vs. rotational velocity. 16:30 Comments about using a small(ish) robot to do something useful. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230713 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:23:45 This video: Chat: Jash: Bob's strawberry farm from about 20 years ago: Software for robot arms: Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Explains why we didn't have meetings. 01:00 Jeff: Talks about the state of his software and ways to fix it. 05:50 Jash: Joins the meeting. He introduces himself and his project. 07:00 Jeff, Al and Bob give short description on their projects. 13:10 Jash and Bob discuss strawberries. And other applications. 17:50 Jash: Posts a link to his project. 19:00 General discussion of operator assisted autonomous agriculture vehicles. 20:40 Short discussion about Internet connectivity in a typical farm field. 27:45 Short discussion of public disclosure about projects. 30:00 How do you test/train a remote operator. 32:30 Jeff: Gives a brief description of his "Sammy2" mini-tractor. 37:00 ROS1 vs. ROS2. 39:40 Jash: Asks if the Lawn Tractor Automation group has a documentation repository. Al: Posts a link to his github. Some talk about the video indexes and the way Slack and Zoom work. 51:00 Al: Gives a status update. Talks about his R/C servo for his hydrostatic transmission. 54:00 Al: Talks about publishing topics in a format that Plot Juggler will recognize. 54:50 Jeff: States that you should take advantage of "ros bags", if you are not already doing that. 56:50 Al: Makes comments about finding things in his github. 1:00:00 Bob talks about his tractor and control systems. 1:17:40 Jeff: Asks about Al's new giant R/C servo. Comments about buffering the feedback signal. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230720 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:04:30 This video: Chat: Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Hasn't done anything. 00:20 Al: Publishing topics as arrays. Miro white board. Testing, changing steering parameters. 03:10 Al: Posts a link to his white board. Shows a few details. 09:50 Al: Has a clever way to measure wheel steer angle. And how he uses those numbers. 12:50 Difference between rotational velocity and steer angle. 16:45 Al: Talks about his LORA timeouts. Some analysis of steering control. 32:00 Jeff: Suggests controlling the steering velocity. 40:40 Jeff: Talks about low level limit checking. 52:50 Jeff: The dividing line of control between ROS and your vehicle. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230727 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:08:43 This video: Chat: Al: Al: Al: How did you plot it out in degrees instead of radians? Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about Al's current experiments (Pure Pursuit) and shows plots. 33:30 Jeff: Suggests analyzing control inputs to Pure Pursuit controller. 34:50 Some discussion of where heading is coming in both cases. 39:20 Al: Goes over some issues. 49:50 Tips/Hints when running PlotJuggler. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230803 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:09:39 This video: Chat: Al's Miro: Video where we talked about creating paths with the Dubins path planner tool. 03052021 Lawn Tractor Meeting If you have access to the Google Drive folders... Jeff: Random scripts I can't get a direct link to Just click on it... Index: 00:00 Al: Starts status update. Talks about his Miro white board. 04:55 Al: Talks about his field testing results. 11:30 Jeff: Suggests the error cause might be cumulative. 17:35 Jeff: Asks where the GPS heading in Miro came from. Some confusion about the GPS predefined COG (Course Over Ground) and Al doing his own calculations and calling it COG. 20:45 Jeff: Mentions deriving SPEED and HEADING from the gps/vel topic. See link to scripts on Google drive (in chat section above). 24:00 Jeff: Suggests specific tests on a single vertical line pattern. 30:00 Jeff: Asks about Al's process for deriving GPS heading. Al pulls up Plot Juggler. 38:50 We go over how Al calculated what he is calling COG vs. "Real" COG that is provided directly in a GPS NMEA sentence. 41:30 Jeff: Attempts to do fancy math corrections in Plot Juggler, but fails. 48:20 We go look at Jeff's code to convert /vel topic back to speed and heading. 1:04:30 Question if Al is saving raw NMEA sentences. 1:07:25 Jeff: Starts playing around with Zoom settings and talks about bandwidth. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230810 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 43:46 This video: Chat: Al's Miro page: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Says he finally got his fiber Internet connected. Says he should be installing a laptop back on his robot. Suggests doing creative things with the simulator for Al's project. 00:50 Al: Talks about his experiments to solve his "wavy" path. 01:50 Al: Mentions his GPS remapping code. Ideas for fixing the path. 04:20 Al: Is the GPS accurate? Steering? 06:30 The original Pure Pursuit paper from 1992. 07:10 Jeff: Asks if Al has tried driving manually around the path. 09:45 Jeff: What are the inputs to Pure Pursuit? 11:10 Al has compared his Pure Pursuit code to Juan's code and the original code. 11:40 The F1TENTH project. 13:10 We look at Al's Miro page. 15:40 Extra plotting values for debug. 17:05 We go look at GPS values in the bag files. 36:45 Jeff: Says he will try harder to get his robot running again. 38:00 Jeff: Asks about cell phone viruses. 42:00 Jeff: Again mentions trying to break the simulator for testing purposes. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230817 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:54:05 This video: Chat: Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Updates - Says he is going through the steps to run his robot outside. GPS correction data, marked points in yard, move path to the robot computer. 03:35 Jeff: Has given some thought to simulator changes. 07:00 Jeff: Thoughts on documenting the simulator package we have. 08:40 Jeff: Tells about old guys mowing the yard. 09:30 Al: Tells us where he is in his development journey. We look at some plots, comparing actual vs. simulation. 18:40 Al: Shows his program that graphs the the Pure Pursuit values. 30:00 We are discussing how Off-Track-Error is calculated. 40:00 We are now trying to interpret what the transform between base_link and lookahead actually represents. 55:40 Jeff: Warns that not all functions in ROS treat quaterion order as x,y,z,w. He has seen a function or two that use the order w,x,y,z. (Or maybe it is ROS vs. non-ROS functions.) So that is something to watch out for. 1:04:40 Jeff: Suggests plotting the base_link to lookahead transform. 1:09:00 We finally get around to starting Plot Juggler. We get a plot of simulated data showing that base_link to lookahead transform is a difference between the two points. Much analysis ensues. 1:18:40 We now go look at data from the physical lawn tractor. Much confusion because the screen dump wasn't saved at time 0. 1:24:15 "Oh, there's yer problem!" We noticed the scale at the bottom is wrong. We re-plot and screen dump. We do more analysis before moving on to the non-simulated data. 1:32:30 We switch to the non-simulated data. We move the vehicle to the point where RTK kicks in. Much analysis as the vehicle approaches the initial path point. 1:41:55 Jeff: Asks if Al has verified if the vehicle is doing what he asks. 1:45:30 Jeff: Asks if the wheels are actually wandering back and forth when going straight. 1:48:10 Jeff: Asks about plotting real time data in Plot Juggler. 1:49:55 Jeff: Asks where Al's bag files are stored. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230824 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 55:21 This video: Chat: Jeff: Jeff: Jeff: Jeff: AT commands for the telemetry radios. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Current quest for GPS correction data. Cell phone method doesn't work. Other cell phone options. 04:20 Jeff: Telemetry radios with RTKlib ntrip utility. Power problems. (And fixed.) Baud rates. 07:00 Jeff: ESP32-CAM board. 09:00 Jeff: Or just use the laptop computer directly. 09:20 Jeff: Tweaking software to make this work. Static heading from second GPS. 12:30 Jeff: Maybe make sure BNO055 heading is also valid as a backup. 13:00 Jeff: Actual testing stories. A quick hack to always take forward speed from joystick. 14:40 Al: Asks about the AT commands for the radios. (Jeff eventually posts a link in chat.) 15:30 Bob: Asks what GPS hardware is being used. 16:55 Al: Asks about the joystick speed control hack. 18:05 Bob: Asks about using free public correction data as opposed to creating a base station. 20:20 Al: Asks about viewing correction data that has been received at the GPS. 23:45 Bob: Asks for a description of Al's GPS base station. 27:10 It is suggested to search the the index (for both Lawn Tractor Automation and ROS Agriculture) and find Al's previous base station presentations. The links are in the description below, Discussion about using cheap non-RTK receivers. 33:30 We talk about the mower bot article. 40:10 LORA vs. Telemetry radios. 43:00 Al: Gives his update. Talks about Pure Pursuit. 48:45 We talk about creating location marks in your yard. Or using existing lines in parking lots. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230831 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 59:12 This video: Chat: None Index: 00:00 Jeff: Quick story about telemetry radio range test. 01:30 Jeff: Cell phone correction data testing. 02:20 Jeff: Outdoor test results. (Physical vehicle) 08:30 Jeff: These are the same results in RVIZ. 11:10 Jeff: Results from simulated vehicle. 14:40 Jeff: Switch to Al's Pure Pursuit code. 15:40 Jeff: Switch from to 21:35 Jeff: Reiterates that switching the simulator to its GPS output may make things clear. 23:30 Jeff: Still need to experiment to see which heading to use from the simulator. 25:00 Al: Asks Bob to go ahead. Bob talks about his Barbie Jeep. Adding extra traction strips to the plastic wheels. 30:30 We attempt to look at Bob's pictures. 41:10 Al: Shows an adapter he made for a Barbie motor for his tractor steering. 43:45 Al: Shows a GPS accuracy plot. 45:10 Al: Shows an outdoor vehicle plot. And explains a problem. 49:45 Jeff: Asks about bad/intermittent connections with USB connectors. 55:50 Jeff: Mentions GPS drop-outs. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230907 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 56:15 This video: Chat: Index: 00:00 Al: Shows some plots from his path following experiments. 02:00 Al: Talks about testing various lat/lon to x/y programs. 06:40 Jeff: Talks about experiments with Pure Pursuit. Differences between location on the simulator and the real world. 11:00 Jeff: Suggests making a video of this debugging process. 12:30 Jeff: Lookahead transform jumps around when played back on RVIZ. Some description of how the code works. 23:45 Jeff: Discusses his multiple sources of heading info. And compatibility, 27:20 Jeff: Dealing with different data types for heading info. 31:30 Jeff: Single GPS heading vs. dual GPS heading (just an observation). 32:55 Jeff: A comment about trusting static heading from dual GPS. 33:40 Jeff: Summation of current status and where to go from here. 34:00 Al: Shares some info from his Miro white board. And the data that he collects. 35:30 Al: Mentions a new IMU board he was notified about. (Sparkfun BNO086) 36:40 Jeff: Suggests adding a second IMU to compliment the first one. 41:20 Jeff: Asks how Al created the pose values that he published with his augmented code. 46:50 Where is the source code for TransformToBaselink? 55:15 Parting thoughts. (YouTube maintenance) == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230914 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 35:28 This video: Chat: Regulated Pure Pursuit Index: 00:00 Jeff: Comments and thoughts on Pure Pursuit. 04:30 We exchange ideas on speed control. And transforms. 13:00 Al: Status update. We look at notes on his Miro board. Some plots from a couple of simulated tests. 29:30 Al: Mentions reference to Regulated Pure Pursuit (used in ROS2). 31:20 Jeff: Mentions how to fix what Slack just forced on us. 34:25 Next testing steps. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230921 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 52:17 This video: Chat: Al's lawn tractor video. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Comments and thoughts on Pure Pursuit. Simulator vs. real vehicle. Affects of GPS update rate. 03:00 Jeff: Steering speed. Simulator results from changing steering rate. 10:55 Jeff: Why slowing down GPS update rates affects the path. 14:00 Jeff: I'm still confused why it works better on the simulator than with a real vehicle. 16:40 Jeff: Summary of changes that may help. 22:30 Jeff: Another summary. 22:50 Jeff: Bite the bullet and run Robot Localization. 24:35 Jeff: Quick hacks to increase GPS update rates. 26:55 Jeff: Praise for the simulator. 38:10 Al: Notes and examples from his Miro Board. Speeds and resolutions. 45:10 Al: Mentions his latest video. 45:30 Al: Next steps. 46:25 Al: Asks how to get position values on Plot Juggler. 49:00 Al: Wants to create a coverage plot for testing. GPS rates. Adaptive look-ahead in Pure Pursuit. 50:45 Jeff: Comments on Al's latest video. (I will upload it to YouTube and add a link in chat.) == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20230928 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 57:19 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: A video of Pure Pursuit on a simulated vehicle in RVIZ: A video of Pure Pursuit on my physical vehicle in RVIZ: Original Pure Pursuit description paper: An expanded analysis of the 1992 paper: A repo where they have removed the KDL library: It adds rotate in place, deleted KDL, the calc loop runs from a timer instead of odom callback. A repo with Adaptive Lookahead experiments. But they removed the Ackermann output: The video on GPS Jump Detection: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Comments and thoughts on Pure Pursuit. Simulator vs. real vehicle. 04:40 Jeff: Video of a simulated vehicle in RVIZ. 09:40 Jeff: Video of an actual vehicle in RVIZ. 22:50 Short discussion of Larics Pure Pursuit code. And other versions. 28:15 Jeff: Forks of the Larics Pure Pursuit repository. 37:00 Al: Digs through some code. 42:40 Jeff: Frustrations with github. 45:25 Al: Talks about his path planning experiments. 51:25 Al: A video on GPS Jump Detection. 52:05 Al: Notes from his Miro board. 55:15 Jeff: Says he should run one of Al's bagfiles through RVIZ. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20231005 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:05:57 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Links to Pure Pursuit githubs that were discussed. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Is testing the Pure Pursuit code from Howde-Robotics. 04:30 Jeff: Describes some steps to get the Howde-Robotics code to run. 06:15 Jeff: Removing the rest of the KDL code. Now figure out how it works. 07:10 Jeff: Difference between odom trigger and timer trigger. 07:50 Jeff: Adaptive lookahead and velocity control. 08:50 Jeff: Pure Pursuit code from 6RiverSystems. 09:50 Jeff: Revisit last week's complaints about using github. 26:10 Jeff: What's next? 27:15 Jeff: More comments about "rotate in place". 31:55 Al: Shows his Miro board, path planning and links. 33:55 Al: Results of testing paths. 36:45 Al: Adaptive speed and lookahead distance. 41:15 Al: The problem with the configuration program not running. 51:05 Al: Talks about adding throttle control to his lawn tractor engine. 58:10 Al: Again asks about references to Adaptive Lookahead and Speed control. 1:03:00 Jeff: Talks about the audio settings on Zoom. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20231012 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 34:28 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Pure Pursuit code: Al's current bagfiles: Top level directory on Google Drive: Al: GitHub for Python Pure Pursuit (non ROS): Al: F1Tenth Pure Pursuit: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Is testing the Pure Pursuit code from Howde-Robotics. 01:35 Jeff: Does the cmd_vel output work better than the Ackermann output? 02:45 Jeff: Maybe just drive to the target point based on angle. 05:10 Jeff: Output the actual heading derived from the odom heading. Which pointed out a problem. 16:45 Jeff: Summary. 14:50 Al: Asks which of those 3 heading lines are actually used for steering. 19:15 Al: Shows his path experiments. Simulation vs. actual. 22:50 Al: Has changed the way he reads a path. He can now specify a speed and lookahead for each path segment. 26:55 Al: Is tweaking his speed value lookup table. 27:35 Al: Added more display points to the path visualization in the path generator program. 29:00 Al: Bagfile location. 32:00 Al: Posts a link to his top level Google Drive. 32:50 Jeff: Explains his hesitation to hand over code. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20231019 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:08:35 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al: Link to Greenzie video on GPS: Al: Link to Weekly Robotics: Jeff: From Weekly Robotics: Al: World's first millimeter-wave RFID tag to improve drone navigation accuracy Index: 00:00 Jeff: Revisits last meeting about "drive to point" for Pure Pursuit (PP), 02:30 Jeff: Screen capture of first outdoor test. 05:55 Jeff: Why suspect steering speed? 09:30 Jeff: How can I get faster steering rate (vs. forward speed)? 11:15 Jeff: Screen capture of my code driving slowly. 11:15 Jeff: Screen capture of original PP code driving slowly. 24:40 Jeff: A video of the rviz screen while driving. This turned out to be the original PP results instead of my code, which I was claiming. 34:00 Jeff: Back to the question: How do I speed up the steering rate? 36:15 Al: Asks what the new code looks like. 38:00 Jeff: What it will take to fix it right. And Al's steering on his vehicle. 42:30 Al: Talks about new menus for testing. 49:55 Jeff: Asks why Al's GPS is in a different location each time. Discussion of GPS base station configuration and start up procedure. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20231026 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 42:52 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Recounts Pure Pursuit experiments. Driving slowly. Increasing servo voltage. Attempt to average steering angle command. Compare steering request to steering feedback value. Story of higher voltage on main motor causing problems. When current sensing was added to main motor and the R/C servo. Analyzing the current of the servo as it moves. 15:30 Plots indicate that averaging of the steering request may help. I probably screwed up the averaging code. 18:40 To-Do list. 19:40 Al: Asks if the actual steering rate is known. 21:15 Al: Asks about electrical noise effects on the USB system. 25:00 Al: Asks if the forward speed is known. I.e., what works and what doesn't. 27:40 Jeff: More To-Do items. 30:50 Al: Is moving to a larger test yard. 32:20 Al: Steps for start-up. 33:20 Al: Example of his USB problem. 34:45 Al: Setup for new location. 38:15 Maps and backgrounds. 41:15 Al: List of things to take along. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation group: Index for the original ROS Agriculture group (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20231102 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 45:06 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Original text based ROS Lawn Tractor Zoom meeting index file The new HTML based ROS Lawn Tractor Zoom meeting index file The precision mule mapping software Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about converting his text based index file to HTML. 18:30 Jeff: Talks about displaying the export files from Slack. 31:00 Al: Wrote a logging script for his laptop. 34:35 Al: Comments on github. 34:55 Al: Is working on perimeter mapping for his path planning. 38:25 Al: Shows a Google Maps based mapping editor. (precision mule) 40:25 Al: Proposed steps to implement his mapping. 41:55 Al: More stories about github. 43:55 Al: Bad GPS cable. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20231109 No meeting ====== 20231116 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 27:24 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Jeff's working directory for indexes and Slack Exports: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about displaying the export files from Slack. 11:25 Al: Talks about his path planning. 18:20 Jeff: Asks about a simplified approach. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20231123 No meeting - Thanksgiving Day ====== 20231130 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 34:47 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Discusses the need to know where your property line is. 01:15 Jeff: How would a "robot guy" determine the property line? Surveying for hobbyists. Tape measures, GPS, guessing... Why don't all of these measuring techniques match? 13:00 Jeff: Survey marker pins. 16:20 Jeff: It comes down to black magic. The ultimate reference is a length of rebar that was buried 50 to 100 years ago. 18:50 Al: Asks if this is the first or second Ardusimple board for Jeff. Fancier, more expensive receivers. 21:40 Al: Talks about his path planning. Shows some pictures. 28:00 AgOpenGPS 31:55 Jeff: Asks how Al transports his lawn tractor. 33:15 Jeff: Points out that not all areas work the same on arcgis websites. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20231207 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 38:48 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Android cell phone app for NTRIP corrections and status: Another cell phone app that may work: Simple metal detectors: Index: 00:00 Introduction 00:35 Jeff: Revisits property lines. 02:00 Jeff: Dug up a property marker pin in the yard. 07:40 Jeff: Trying to measure locations with GPS. 10:50 Jeff: New parts from Ardusimple. 12:15 Jeff: Quickest way to power-up and use the uBlox F9P board from Ardusimple. 13:45 Jeff: Actually measuring locations. 16:45 Jeff: Using a metal detector. (instead of randomly digging) 19:40 Al: Asks about the 5/8" to 1/4" adapter. 21:40 Jeff: Mentions the official uBlox Multiband patch antennas. 23:20 Old vs. New 24:05 Al: Has modified his path generator so he can set speed/lookahead separately on straight vs. curves. Shows some code. 29:55 Al: Shows some documentation in Jupyter Notebook. 32:30 Jeff: Makes some comments. 33:35 Jeff: Talks about using data from the YouTube index. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20231214 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 9:55 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Index: 00:00 Introduction 00:30 Al: Is documenting his path planning using Jupyter Notebook. 00:50 Al: Presents his outer rings and inner straight lines to mow his yard. 02:15 Al: Discusses the steps needed to create the path. 09:25 Al: Next steps to be done. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20231221 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:06:01 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Ardusimple SimpleRTK2B Board Ardusimple Multiband Patch Antenna Ardusimple Survey GNSS Multiband Antenna Ardusimple 5/8 to 1/4 Antenna Adapter Amazon 5/8 to 1/4 Antenna Adapter Ardusimple GNSS Master Ardusimple SW Maps Amazon Plastic Box Amazon Cell Phone Holder Al's code for position calculation. Index: 00:00 Introduction 00:25 Jeff: Received new parts from Ardusimple. 03:45 Jeff: Antenna mount adapter from Ardusimple. (1 for $11, $13-20 shipping) 04:20 Jeff: Similar adapter from Amazon. (2 for $7.59, free shipping) 05:45 Jeff: Discusses his "surveyor pole". 06:55 Jeff: Talks about testing the new board with a cell phone. 08:20 Jeff: Gives a simple demo of the board and GNSS Master software working together. 15:50 Jeff: SW Maps software. 21:40 Jeff: Maybe find better software to do exactly what I want. 22:25 Jeff: Or add an RPi and do custom programming. 23:00 Jeff: Actually assembling the mono-pod. 27:20 Jeff: Using the pole as a general purpose measuring device. 29:25 Jeff: General summary of actually measuring property lines. 30:25 Jeff: Stories about metal detectors. 36:10 Al: Asks about antennas. Frequency bands vs. satellite constellations. Update rates. 44:40 Al: Asks about the cell phone software. 46:05 Al: Asks if the new surveyor pole is working adequately. 48:35 Al: Mentions some Python code to calculate differences in latitude. 53:30 Al: Talks about his GPS base station configuration. 59:15 Jeff: Suggests sharing thoughts if somebody is going to buy something new. 1:00:00 Al: Shows pictures of his new base station box. 1:02:05 Al: Shows some documentation for his path planning. 1:04:10 Al: Asks about configuring RTCM messages in a base station. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240104 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 58:53 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: The bench mark web site Jeff was talking about: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his ComNav GNSS base station that is broken. 06:20 Jeff: Asks if the ComNav-501 will provide correction data for the ComNav-706? 09:50 Al: Talks about the new(er) NavSpark PX1125R RTK receivers. 16:30 Al: Talks about his 900Mhz 3DR Sik radios (to send correction data). 27:10 Bob had asked on Slack how to power his new RPi on his "Barbie Jeep". We discuss that. 35:20 Jeff: Talks about HDMI connector size on various Raspberry Pi boards. Is the RPi-5 actually available? 36:40 Al: Mentions running the Power Wheels type motors on 12V. 38:55 Jeff: Questions which board Bob ordered and we discuss prices. 41:20 Jeff: Talks about bench marks of Raspberry Pi vs. laptops. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240125 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 47:19 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Index: 00:00 Introduction 00:15 Jeff: Talks about the "giant R/C servos" on Amazon. 02:35 Jeff: Ordered an ASMC-04, but received an ASME-05 instead. 03:55 Jeff: Images of the two boards for comparison. 19:45 Jeff: Mentions the position feedback output pin. 23:45 Al: Got a flexible cable to connect to his transmission. Some explanation of how it would work. 30:40 Discussion of the "center return" spring on the transmission arm. 35:15 Al: Talks about his ESP32 data logger. 36:40 Quick mention of 1/4" to 5/8" adapters. (Which turned out to be the wrong size.) (Instead use these: Amazon 5/8 to 1/4 Antenna Adapter ) 40:30 Back to ESP32 data logger. Edit: Here is a direct link to the ESP32 code: The Google Sheets code is at the end of that file. 45:30 Al: Comments about his GPS. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240201 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 40:06 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: SIK radio configuration guide: Hardware guide for SIK V2 radios: This page has the pinouts and says CTS, RTS, TX and RX are 3.3V signals: ESP32 data logger code: Link to Al's Google Sheet web page with results: Index: 00:00 Introduction 00:10 Al: Talks about 3DR (SIK) radios. 03:30 Al: Shows a screen shot from Mission Planner configuration software. 06:25 Al: Description of some Arduino test software to test radios. 08:10 Al: Discussion of level shifters. 10:40 Jeff: Suggests checking the voltage on the Tx pin vs. the 5V pin. 15:10 More discussion on the SparkFun level shifters. 20:00 Al: Talks about his Google Sheets data logger. 36:15 Jeff: Asks about an Internet connection when the house loses power. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240208 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 33:44 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Code to read/average/survey a fixed point: A description of survey mode for a Novatel receiver: (Al actually has a ComNav GPS, but it emulates, in part, Novatel protocol.) Deep South Robotics: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Says he may make another attempt to debug the Pure Pursuit follower node on a simulator. 03:20 Al: Talks about surveying a fixed point for his ComNav K501G GPS base station. 11:00 Al: Shows us his Miro board updates. Powering a radio and an RS232 adapter. More about GPS averaging. Jeff posts a link to a Novatel setup video. 22:15 Al: Details on the mounting the GPS base antenna. 24:00 Al: Update and suggestions on the broken GPS board. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240222 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 25:15 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Video with quick update on Tractor #2. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about current monitoring. Hall effect current sensors. 04:45 Jeff: AC current transformers. 09:45 Jeff: Talks about sorting and disposing of extra junk. 11:00 Current transformers vs. clamp meters. 13:50 Al: Talks about progress on his second lawn tractor. 22:20 Al: No reply from his questions to the GPS manufacturer. 22:50 Bob: Gives an update on what he has been doing. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240307 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 30:20 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Says he is still clearing out his old junk. 01:15 Al: Gives update on his second lawn tractor. 01:35 Al: Update on his dead GPS receiver. 05:40 Al: More pictures of the second lawn tractor. 06:25 Al: Pictures of his new GPS base station. 07:40 Al: Search for new GPS. 08:45 Jeff: Suggests making the base station auto configure based on location. 12:50 Al: Back to searching for new GPS. 20:00 Al: Side project to weigh bee hives. 27:00 Al: Hidden treasure... == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240314 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 23:09 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Weight Miro board: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about weighing bee hives. HX711, Load cells, ESP32, Round LCD (See his Miro board for details.) 1.28" tft spi 240*240 Bathroom scales load cells with A/D board. 12:10 Jeff Shows his LCD he might play with. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240321 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 33:02 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Weight Miro board: Index: 00:00 Al: Finished off his beehive project. 00:25 Al: Talks about new GPS equipment. Rover board with dual antenna and heading output. 01:40 Al: Shows his 3DR radios setup he is trying to get to work. 12:05 Al: Shows which board he got for the base station end. Whoops, one board is L1/L2 and the other is L1/L5. 13:45 Al: More thoughts on 3DR radios. 24:45 Jeff: Asks if the heading output on the new board is straight forward. 26:10 Mounting antennas. 30:05 Jeff: Asks about international shipping costs and extra credit card charges. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240328 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 34:23 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Index: 00:00 Al: Talks about his lithium battery for his lawn tractor. 03:00 Al: Gives an update on his new GPS equipment. 05:15 Al: Talks about NTRIP clients for correction data. RTK2GO servers. str2str in RTKLIB. Other NTRIP clients. 14:00 Al: Goes digging through the RTK2GO website to find a map of locations. 15:45 Al: Shows another base station implementation. 17:25 Jeff: Asks how many NavSpark boards does Al have. 28:25 Jeff: Asks what the heading message from the "RH" board looks like. 31:40 Jeff: Antenna mounting. 32:40 Forgetting the start-up sequence. 33:30 Al: Final comments about the battery. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240404 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 31:25 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about the Slack free trial that is active. 06:25 Al: Asks to have Jeff's pages posted. 14:00 Al: Talks about stepper motors and linear slides. 16:15 Al: Shows his stepper motor driver module. 16:40 Al: Motor gets real hot. 17:20 Al: Connections to make it move. 17:45 Discussion of motor heat problem. 26:30 Al: Reminder about documentation and backups. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240418 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 39:54 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Link to online version of our Tractor Automation Slack backup: ZIP version if you want your own local copy. Just download and unzip. (40 MB file size) Al's links for 3D printing: Selecting a free 3D CAD option - 3D design for 3D printing pt1 BEST FREE CAD / 3D Modelling software 2024 - I tested them all! My Top 5 Useful 3D Prints of 2016 Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about the Slack backup he made. 03:00 Jeff: Shows where to find the Slack backup on his web page. (See links above.) Short demo of how to open a page so you can see the results. 08:00 Jeff: Tells how to download the ZIP file so you can have your own local copy. 12:20 Al: Answers some of Bob's questions about 3D printing. Shows a few YouTube (just the intro) pages about 3D printing. (See links above.) 16:45 Jeff: Points out that you can get the modeling software and play with it without having a printer. 18:35 Al: Talks about stepper motors. 19:36 Jeff: Suggests playing with the settings for microstepping on the controller. 20:25 Al: Shows his RTK base station. 21:10 Jeff: Asks about reverse polarity protection for the expensive GPS board. Another tour of the inside of the box. 22:55 Al: Remapping his target area. 23:45 Discussion of Linux history files. 28:30 Al: Steps to convert a stored path to a boundary map. 30:45 Al: Shows a linear actuator he dug out. 32:25 Jeff: Wants reports on how well that particular actuator works. 36:25 Jeff: Yet again brings up the concept of a latch between an actuator and the transmission. And the possibility of re-using automotive parts. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240425 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 23:40 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about dumping Windows and moving everything to Linux. 04:10 Al: Talks about rebuilding his perimeter and path after installing a permanent base station. 21:00 Al: Dancing robots. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240502 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 19:28 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Has nothing. 00:20 Terry: Shows a burned up Protoboard. Describes the new layout. Processor is resetting. 02:30 Jeff: Asks about the damaged Protoboard. Wiring. 05:20 Al: Talks about his second Lithium Ion battery pack. 07:45 Al: Shows the newer/larger BMS (Battery Management System). 09:15 Jeff: Asks if Terry's processor has 5-volt tolerant inputs. We look at the burned board again. 11:25 People go looking for level translator boards for comparison. 13:05 Jeff: Offers some impromptu alternatives. (He screws up the description.) 15:10 Terry: Lists some things he will check for debug. 17:15 Terry: Shows his robot. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240509 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 13:14 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Smartcan trash transporter New $60 RTK GPS Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks again about replacing his Windows computer. 00:50 Jeff: New headphones. 01:55 Jeff: Neighbors moved out... 02:15 Jeff: Lawn tractor update. 03:10 Al: Shows a trash can transport robot. 05:45 Al: Talks about his path planning. 12:25 Jeff: Does a test with his old headphones. We talked after the meeting and referenced a new RTK GPS. I'll put links in the chat. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240516 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 19:54 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Smartcan trash transporter. (from last week) Bob found this video for an automated trash container. Video about "trash train". The way my trash gets dumped in Minneapolis. (We don't have robotic arms.) Index: 00:00 Al: Gives more details on his path planning. 04:45 Al: Creating a path around an obstacle. 07:00 Al: Creating the concentric passes around the outside. 11:35 Jeff: Asks how the concentric paths are generated. 13:40 Jeff: Revisits the discussion from last week about automated trash cans. 17:35 Al: Brings up Pure Pursuit navigation. 18:30 Jeff: Mentions trying to keep at least one laptop that is ready to go. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240523 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 13:30 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Suggests debug ideas for testing Pure Pursuit path tracking. 04:20 Jeff: Mentions he hasn't yet moved the Zoom meetings to a Linux computer. 04:45 Jeff: Discovered that his new headphones don't actually work. 07:20 Al: Gives some updates on his path planning. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240620 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 19:14 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Quick update on Terry's project. 00:30 Jeff: More robot parts in his garage. Mobility scooter transaxles. 04:10 Al: Talks about his path generation. 07:05 Al: Talks about his PDF write-up and Jupyter Notebook. Details about his process. 14:45 Al: Still needs clean-up at his obstacles. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240627 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 24:18 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Al: Polycam - LiDAR & 3D Scanner for iPhone & Android Al: Index: 00:00 Jeff: New garage door. Inspiration in disguise. 01:55 Jeff: Unloading a plotter on local surplus store. Free 150W sine wave inverter in exchange. 04:00 Jeff: Pulling a "standard" lawn mower with the "Mini Tractor". Current sensing and Dallas 1-wire DS18B20 temperature sensors. And is the vehicle beefy enough to pull a lawn mower (safely). 07:40 Jeff: Safety in transportation. Don't let your junk (and your laziness) destroy your car. 08:15 Al: Talks about his path planning for his lawn tractor. Some discussion on selecting a start point. 14:20 Jeff: Suggests an extra step (before submitting the predefined path) and tell it to drive from the current location to the start point of the path. Then publish the predefined path. 15:25 Al: Shows a gadget for your tractor to pick up and move trash cans. 16:25 Al: Shows a product for photogrammetry input. 18:35 Jeff: Asks if Al is planning ahead if his lawn mowing gets interrupted. 18:30 Jeff: Goes off-topic and talks about wild animals in urban areas. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240704 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 33:25 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about measuring actuators and sensors on his lawn tractor. 10:20 Al: Talks about his current state of progress. Speed control. 11:35 Al: Talks about his path generation. 13:50 Al: Talks about generating the path around obstacles. 16:20 Al: Mice: Organic vs. Computer. 17:50 AL: USB port errors. 18:10 Al: Too many log files. He wrote a script to search through them. 19:15 Al: Getting I2C errors. Needs to track that down. 20:45 Al: More testing and user interface. 31:40 More mouse stories. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240711 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 27:59 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Jeff's new garage door opener: Add this line to bashrc file to add time and date to "history" command. export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%m/%d/%y %T " Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about his new garage door and opener. 07:05 Al: Talks about progress on path planning. Some discussion on speed control. 09:00 Jeff: Asks if there are any plots of the vehicle speed vs. ground contour. 13:05 Al: Now has problems with steering control. 19:55 Some discussion about the mouse chewing through the wires. 20:50 The original sensor problem (last week) turned out to be a microcontroller reset problem. 25:00 Al: Added some extra debug display messages. 25:55 Al: Has added time and date to his Linux "history" display. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240718 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 46:31 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Jeff's new garage door opener: Videos about the RATGDO modules: Link to RATGDO github: A previous discussion from our group on measuring engine RPM: Videos about mechanical governors: 8a Governors 8b Small Engine Governors 8c Governor Control Governor Adjustment and How They Work Honda Briggs Tecumseh Kohler etc. How Small Engine Governors Work (any governor setup) How a Mechanical Governor Works on a 4-Stroke Lawnmower Engine Al's new PCB software: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Continuation of last weeks garage door opener comments. 01:45 Jeff: Alternative control module. (RATGDO) 03:50 Jeff: Or just solder wires on an extra remote. 07:15 Jeff: Revisits engine RPM vs. vehicle speed. (From last week.) 09:45 Jeff: Talks about governors on engines. 16:20 Jeff: Controlling the transmission instead of, or in addition to the engine governor. 17:15 Al: His interpretation. 21:10 Jeff: Has problems with grass build-up in his push mower. 22:30 Al: Analyses some tests that he ran. Speed vs. transmission control. 30:15 Al: Shows a new PCB layout. And mentions the software he used. (EasyEDA) 32:10 Back to Al's speed analysis. 39:45 Al: Shows his ground track is right once, but not 4 other times. IMU? 42:25 Jeff: Asks about what method of speed control is being used. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240801 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 16:48 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: 00:00 Al: Shows his new PC board he talked about two weeks ago. 01:55 Al: Talks about his speed sensors on his back wheels. 05:00 Al: Talks about the lawn tractor video from the Home Brew Robotics Club. 07:30 Jeff: Makes some random observations about the speed detection. 15:30 Jeff: Asks about the weather. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240808 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 19:59 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Ziegler-Nichols tuning: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about mounting wheel sensors. Mentions Lawn Tractor Automation index and ROS Agriculture index to view previous videos. 02:10 Jeff: Suggests alternate using "out rigger" sensor mounting. 03:15 Jeff: Another alternate, like Greenzie did, have an encoder that rides on existing wheel. 04:30 Jeff: Suggests that we brainstorm sometime. 05:00 Al: Miro board updates. And data management. 07:55 Al: Updates on his speed sensors. Comments about adjusting PID control. Results on path following. 17:20 Jeff: Asks about some glitches on the plot. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240822 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 51:07 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Links to Al's absolute magnet angle sensor and 3D printed parts videos: 06282019 Lawn Tractor Meeting 00:00-10:10 Al: Shows his wheel encoder setup. Explains how to design gears. (good description of making gears) 04142020 Community Meeting 40:05-49:15 Al: Is adding his second speed sensor to a back wheel. 3D printed bracket and gear, Teensy, AS5048B magnetic sensor board. (a couple of CAD drawings and good description) 04022021 Lawn Tractor Automation meeting 00:00-01:30 Al: Shows his magnetic sensor design. (good images) 05212021 Lawn Tractor Automation meeting 01:15:15-1:18:50 Al talks about his magnetic encoder for wheel odometry. Matt's sprocket encoder from ROS Agriculture meeting: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Random babbling. 01:00 Jeff: Talks about wheel encoders. 01:05 Reference to Al's 3D printed gears and magnetic absolute shaft encoder. 04:30 Mentions of Jeff's quadrature encoders. 06:20 Reference to Matt's sprocket encoders from ROS Agriculture. 08:15 Jeff: Talks about encoder wheels. 11:30 Jeff: Reference back to original Greenzie lawn tractor and an encoder wheel. 12:10 Jeff: Mentions using accelerometers in an IMU chip to measure wheel movement. 13:45 Jeff: Bottom line, come up with a list of all the various odometry methods. 14:00 Jeff: Mention of the ROS Agriculture and Lawn Tractor Automation index. 15:40 Al: Posts some links to sprockets and sensors. Discussion of part sizes. (Sprockets vs sensors.) 18:45 Al: Shows a Blue Pill board. And we discuss programming these boards. 19:40 Jeff: Complains about Zoom. Then he shares the wrong screen to prove a point... 21:00 A recap of sprocket size vs. sensor diameter. 22:50 Jeff: More comments about Greenzie encoders. 24:20 Jeff: Talks about attempting to put wheel encoders on a full size farm tractor. 30:50 Al: Talks about the speed control on his lawn tractor. Controlling vehicle speed with a PID to control the hydrostatic transmission. 32:40 Al: Ground plot of the vehicle. 34:00 Al: List of problems to be solved. Switching between GPS and wheel odometry. A Pure Pursuit look ahead problem. An offset between reported odom and look ahead position. Servo pre-set values may need to be adjusted. 37:00 Al: Talks about IMUs. The Chip Robotics IMU provides a relative heading. He got a BNO-085 IMU from Ada Fruit. 40:00 Al: Writing code for a driver. 41:20 Al: Communication problems. 43:50 Discussion of I2C. 46:15 Discussion about dual GPS. 49:00 Discussion about correction data between different brands of GPS (GNSS) receivers. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240829 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 57:07 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: (Jeff has props today...) 00:00 Jeff: Talks about an angle sensor. (possibly from a Chevy Corvette) 01:40 Jeff: Talks about an encoder bracket from Amazon. For attaching an encoder wheel. 06:35 Jeff: Mention of a microcontroller to read the new encoders. 07:30 Jeff: Short explanation of gears and encoders that are on the Sammy2 mini-tractor. 10:00 Jeff: It might be possible to glue on a magnet and add an absolute position sensor. 11:15 Jeff: Another mention of the sprocket/proximity sensor from last week. 12:15 Jeff: A look at an encoder wheel. And problems that my come up. 13:45 Jeff: Some exploration of the ROS Agriculture and Lawn Tractor Automation meetings indices. 35:50 Al: Uses a search for F411 boards as a lead-in to his IMU swap-out. Ada Fruit BNO-085 vs. Chip Robotics IMUs. 41:20 Al: Memory size issues. 46:50 Al: Results of testing. 51:00 Al: Ordered a surplus encoder from a printer. 53:00 Jeff: Asks if Al now has a redundant IMU sensor. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240905 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 41:09 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: (Jeff has new props today...) 00:00 Jeff: Talks about mounting the encoder wheels on the Sammy2 robot. 05:20 Jeff: Shows his cheap bore scope camera. 06:15 Jeff: A three different hall effect sensors. 08:10 Jeff: A magnetic proximity sensor. 10:20 Jeff: Shows a "Rolling tape measure" from Harbor Freight. 12:10 Jeff: Mention of microcontrollers to read the new encoders. 16:10 Jeff: Another encoder wheel from a surplus store. 17:30 Jeff: Shows his bore scope camera again. 19:10 Jeff: Current status and some future steps. 19:40 Al: Suggests creating tutorials on programming a Blue Pill board. 20:45 Al: Comments on the progress of Jeff's encoder mounting attempts. 24:50 Al: Status report. 25:55 Al: PID testing for speed control. 29:00 Al: Switching between GPS and wheel odometry. Jumps in GPS position. Weird speeds reported. 34:00 Al: Correcting/handling reverse direction values. 34:40 Al: What would be needed to drive in tele-operated mode? 35:10 Al: Playing with look-ahead distance in Pure Pursuit. 39:25 Al: Mentions XFCE window manager. Which is connected with TightVNC that he and Bob are playing with. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240912 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 38:46 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Links to Chris Albertson's github Al's A couple of previous videos talking about recreating odometry in Xcel. From the ROS Agriculture meeting index: I: 11222019 Lawn Tractor Meeting 14:15 Jeff: Examining the two log files. Plots of odometry and GPS. And how to fix the odometry plots. 32:50 I: 12032019 Community Meeting 00:00 Jeff: Talks about GPS/GNSS. Hemisphere V200, uBlox F9P, SSD for bagfiles, DOT CORS correction data over SwiftNav radios, GPS plots 15:30 Jeff: Odometry plots, reconstructed odometry vs. original odometry 19:50 Jeff: Moves on to talking about IMUs. Sparkfun Razor IMU, EM-7180 (from Tindie). Then back to odometry. 26:00 Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about small microcontroller boards and quadrature encoders. 00:55 Jeff: Talks about getting code to run the quadrature encoders. 01:10 Jeff: Points out "quadratureBluePill" project. By Chris Albertson. (See link in chat) 03:30 Jeff: Proposes logging raw data to a file. Then extracting odometry with Xcel. 04:35 Jeff: More exploration of Chris Albertson's github. servo_controller PCA9685_Precision_Servo_Driver Seeed_Arduino_AS5600 open_robot_actuator_hardware PCA9685-driver Encoder quadratureBluePill ros_pololu_servo Raspberry_Pi 05:55 Jeff: Jeff: Attempts to show AS5600 board. Switches to bore scope camera. 08:30 Jeff: I mentioned pricing of this camera last week. But you have to convince Amazon to show the cheap ones. 09:35 Jeff: Back to driver for the AS5600. 10:00 Poking through the "robot_actuators". 10:50 Talk about PCA9685 board. 11:45 The "Encoder" library. More libraries... 12:40 The "Raspberry_Pi" library which has lots of fun libraries. 14:20 Al: Asks about quadrature decode libraries. 15:50 Jeff: USB connectors breaking off the boards. 22:20 Jeff: Shows a "graphical" depiction of odometry. (not meant to be understood...) 24:15 Jeff: "One more thing I don't want to go into..." but I do anyway. 25:20 Jeff: An application for a non-contact angle sensor. (carburetor position) 26:45 Al: Compares his magnetic shaft encoder to Jeff's quadrature encoder. 29:25 Al: Talks about his path tracking results. May be due to ground slope. 36:45 Jeff: Asks if the problem is solved. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20240926 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 35:01 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. [Repost from last meeting] A couple of previous videos talking about recreating odometry in Xcel. From the ROS Agriculture meeting index: I: 11222019 Lawn Tractor Meeting 14:15 Jeff: Examining the two log files. Plots of odometry and GPS. And how to fix the odometry plots. 32:50 I: 12032019 Community Meeting 00:00 Jeff: Talks about GPS/GNSS. Hemisphere V200, uBlox F9P, SSD for bagfiles, DOT CORS correction data over SwiftNav radios, GPS plots 15:30 Jeff: Odometry plots, reconstructed odometry vs. original odometry 19:50 Jeff: Moves on to talking about IMUs. Sparkfun Razor IMU, EM-7180 (from Tindie). Then back to odometry. 26:00 Index: 00:00 Jeff: Talks about his encoder wheels mounted on Sammy2 robot. Old encoders vs. new encoders. Details of connecting encoders to STM32F401 board. 06:00 Jeff: Ground plot of new encoder path. 08:35 Jeff: Mention of replotting in Excel. (See links in chat section above for "recreating" plots.) 11:20 Jeff: Differences between axle encoder and encoder wheel. (When does tire diameter make a difference?) 12:20 Jeff: Comparing old encoders to new encoders. 14:35 Jeff: More talk about the "little microcontroller boards from Amazon". 15:20 Jeff: A couple comments on finding a multiport serial logger. 17:25 Jeff: Admission of laziness. 18:15 Al: Asks about scale factors. Jeff admits to "calibration" steps. :-) 20:00 Al: Talks about his experience with the ST Micro IDE package. 22:15 Al: Shows a new PC board for a Teensy and a BNO085 module. And a 3D printed box. 24:20 Al: Talks about his "GPS to Odometry" code. And IMU code. 24:45 Al: Alludes to tilt compensation. 26:25 Jeff: Goes back to his wheel odometry and expected results. Expectations from wheel odometry. 30:25 Talk about wheel slippage. 31:50 Jeff: Calibration sequences to fix all of your problems. 33:30 Slippage, in the real world. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20241003 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 39:43 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 01:25 Jeff: Recap of installing new encoders. 02:00 Jeff: Recreating odometry data (continuation from previous meeting). 04:15 Jeff: More parts for the junk box. Talks about the $3 STM32F401 boards. 07:15 Jeff: How to document C code vs. Excel formulas? (for the encoders) Distance in encoder counts vs. meters. 08:45 Jeff: Round off issues when using integers for calculations. 10:40 Jeff: Code cleanup. 11:45 Jeff: Coming up with the correct scale values. Create a new data set. 13:25 Jeff: Maybe add the odometry scale factors and initial values as ROS parameters. Maybe use that during calibration. 15:55 Al: Asks about development using the ST Micro parts and software. Jeff gives a quick run down on building a project with STM CubeMX IDE. 31:10 Al: Talks about his tilt compensation code (it didn't work). 32:50 Al: One of his wheel sensors is not reporting speed. 33:55 Al: Mice (field mice, not computer mice). 34:40 Al: Need for more debug data. 35:40 Jeff: Brings up Juan's story about animals eating wiring. Al suggests putting everything in a box. Jeff may have same problem. Jeff suggests rodent poison, as last resort... == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20241010 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 32:50 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 00:20 Jeff: Mentions the new wheel encoders. And shows a screenshot of an Excel recreation. 03:55 Jeff: Talks about a (failed) attempt to collect a large amount of data. 11:55 Jeff: Weird errors that should have surfaced long ago. 12:50 Al: Has a video and a ground plot of driving in his yard. More descriptions. 13:30 Al: Description of zoomed-in plots. 14:20 Al: Intermittent GPS drop-outs. 16:15 Al: Looking at path following results. 20:40 Al: Plot of vehicle speed. 21:20 Al: Log of laptop variables: CPU load, CPU Temp, battery voltage, battery current... 25:30 Al: Switching between GPS and wheel odometry isn't quite right. 26:10 We make several failed attempts to play Al's video. 29:20 Video finally plays. 30:40 Some analysis of path following. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20241017 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 55:19 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 00:36 Jeff: Talks about data logging. 01:20 Jeff: The ol' "Swapped out the harddrive" excuse. 04:45 Jeff: Raspberry Pi? How to talk to it? 06:30 Jeff: Starting and stopping programs on a Raspberry Pi (or any head-less install). 08:00 Al: Talks about his starting and stopping methods. Killing PIDs. 15:55 Jeff: Proposes using a physical switch to start/stop data logging. Al uses an on-screen GUI. 20:30 Jeff: Asks about Al's wheel encoders that weren't working last week. 22:00 Al: Steering. Digging through other people's code. 40:05 Al: PDFs on steering methods. And some talk about GPS tilt compensation. 47:30 Al: Talks about a presentation, "AI foundations for robotics". 48:55 Jeff: Holds up a gear and talks about drilling it out. 50:55 Al: Holds up a Bluetooth board. We talk about "Inspiration". == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20241024 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:03:52 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Teensy: Mini Robomind: PWM boards PXA9685: Remote access software: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 00:28 Jeff: Talks about interchangeable processor boards, like Teensy 4.0 and 4.1. Teensy 3.x boards are going away. Random comparisons for the Teensy boards. 17:00 Jeff: Comments about CAN peripherals on modern microcontrollers. 21:15 Al: Says he is all for Teensys also. 23:40 Jeff: Talks about (more) standardized connector layout for prototyping. 24:45 Jeff: An example of connectors on a PWM board. 30:55 Jeff: The same board is available with colorful connectors. 33:30 Jeff: Shows a Mini-Robomind board as an example of connector layout. 36:10 Jeff: "So this what I am thinking..." 38:55 Jeff: Summing it up. 38:20 Al: Way too many PWM outputs... 40:30 Al: New NAS system for his network. Raspberry Pi 5, M.2 MVMe SSD. 47:45 Al: Talks about lithium batteries and power inverters. Replacing UPS batteries. 56:00 Al: Found some new remote desktop software. 59:55 We discuss loud mowers, leaves, modifying mowers. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20241031 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 50:12 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Mini Robomind: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 00:40 Jeff: Shows some gears and talks about drilling them out for larger shaft. 05:20 Jeff: Continued from last week: More about colorful header pins. Some exploration of the Mini Robomind board. 14:50 Jeff: Discussion of wires vs pins. Discussion of one of Matt's early boxes. Fun facts about Mini Robomind board and Bot Board II. 21:45 Jeff: The "Small Robot" needs electronics added. 33:35 Al: Talks about mounting techniques. 36:45 Al: Some thoughts on next design. 38:55 Al: Induction proximity sensors. 42:00 Al: Motor driver board. Transmission control. Linear actuator? 44:00 Al: Updates on his NAS drive. And a battery 44:45 More mounting options. 46:25 Al: More thoughts on encoders. 47:30 Al: Linear actuators. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20241107 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 45:15 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 01:15 Jeff: Talks about optical isolation. TLP2630, 6N137 08:30 Jeff: Ground loops. Use optical isolation. 15:50 Jeff: Explores more ways to wire things together. 22:45 Al: Talks about a new NRF24L01 radio. A demo of it running. 27:55 Al: Shows a JRK G2 21v3 motor controller. (Pololu) 29:55 Jeff: Asks about Al's linear actuator. Does it have feedback? 35:00 Jeff: Mentions that Pololu (among others) will have "Black Friday" specials coming up. 36:55 Jeff: Asks where the linear actuator will be installed. Electrical noise. 41:10 Jeff: Suggests a "hybrid" wheel odometry solution. Merge IMU heading. And/or substitute "decent" yaw gyroscope. "Robot Localization" node. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20241129 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 39:57 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Al: 74AHCT125 - Quad Level-Shifter (3V to 5V) [74AHCT125] Jeff: 74LVC245 - 8-bit Logic Level Shifter Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 00:55 Jeff: Complains about Windows and is switching the Zoom meeting recordings to Linux. 02:05 Jeff: Holds up some parts for a proximity sensor/encoder experiment. 03:15 Jeff: Back to the Windows to Linux switchover. 03:55 Al: Asks about the proximity sensor experiment. 06:30 Jeff: Mentions his "inline video editing" idea. 08:20 Al: Gives an update on his NAS drive (Network Attached Server?). Maybe power problems? 10:35 Al: Another way to test his SSDs. 11:00 Al: A powered USB hub. 12:00 Al: Examples of what he could use this for. 13:15 Jeff: Points out the goofy thumbnail images on Zoom. Asks more questions about the NAS drive concept. 15:10 Jeff: Points out he is tempting fate by not doing backups. 16:35 Al: Using rsync as a tool for incremental backups. 17:35 Al: Status LEDs for his radio board experiments. Individual LEDs, RGB LEDs, NeoPixels (one wire addressable). NePixels that look like regular LEDs. 24:00 Discussion about level shifting methods. 32:40 Jeff: Adafruit says to put a resistor in series with first Neopixel... 33:25 Al: Some potentiometers he found. 37:30 Jeff: Plays around some more with the Zoom options. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20241205 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 14:27 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Example named entries in the index file: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 02:05 Al: Talks about range testing for his NRF24 radios. 04:15 Jeff: Asks if Al's house blocks the radios. 06:50 Jeff: Asks if Al has an SDR radio for testing. (Maybe seeing other radio sources interfering.) 08:50 Al: Gives an update on his Raspberry Pi 5 project. 10:50 Jeff: Mentions wasting money on Black Friday sales. UPS, SSD drives. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20241212 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 14:49 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. Comments about Slack channel backups. And the degradation of Slack usability... But we are attempting to preserve/archive Slack messages. 01:55 Al: Shows an addressable (1-wire) RGB LED. 03:05 Al: Is building a new remote control. Easy EDA layout software. 09:05 Al: Comments about his NAS drive. 09:30 Jeff: Thoughts on using the Slack archive and the HTML Lawn Tractor index and the YouTube channel index together. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20241226 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 30:11 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 01:10 Al: Talks about his new remote control design. Teensy 3.2, NRF24 radio, switches, pots, LEDs. 02:30 Al: Addressable RGB LEDs for status display. 03:35 Jeff: Mentions sourcing and functionality of the addressable RGB LEDs. 05:05 Al: More on implementing his LEDs. 06:00 Al: The Teensy "millis" function. More discussion of the LED implementation. 07:20 Al: More details about switches and pots and code for the remote control. 09:50 Al: Schematic of new design. Created with EasyEDA. A random tour of the project. 13:10 Jeff: Offers suggestions on wiring switches. 17:40 Back to discussion of design. 18:40 Al: Comments about pros and cons of EasyEDA. 19:10 Jeff: Suggests adding patterns for alternate parts. I.e., NRF24 radio vs. LORA radio. And adding extra pads on the unused pins. More comments about manufacturability. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20250102 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:03:17 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Some sketchy assumptions made in the next one (in my opinion): USB-C References: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 00:35 Terry: Has a 3D printer on loan. He is making an impeller blade for a snow blower. 04:05 Terry: He is using the free version of OnShape CAD software. 08:00 Terry: He has a new First Robotics team to mentor. 11:10 Some discussion about 3D printers. 14:40 Terry: Next steps in his incremental design. 16:00 Al: Has installed Ubuntu 24.04 and ROS2 Jazzy on a Raspberry Pi 5. 19:25 Al: Says he is about to order the PCB for version 2 of his remote. (See last meeting) 27:10 We talk about power for a Raspberry Pi 5. 30:45 Al: Talks about his BNO085 IMU SPI connection. 38:20 More discussion about powering Raspberry Pi. 49:50 Al: Noticed that his RPi5 will actually run Gazebo. 55:55 Jeff: Wrap up... == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20250109 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:02:07 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. A 5 amp USB-C cable from Amazon. A 5V/5A power convertor from Amazon. The voltage/current monitor command. pi 4b won't boot and green led keep blinking fast This page has a chart that says Ubuntu 24.04 will run on either RPi4 or RPi5. 32GB cards will not work. Collection of RPi "partial" schematics. (But not RPi5) RPi4 board revision. Crimp on ferrules. (From our HTML meeting index) @10:35 Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 00:20 Jeff: Powering RPi5 with batteries. 06:45 Jeff: The extra requirements for power supply "negotiation". 19:05 Jeff: Stories about getting the RPi4 to run again. 21:00 Jeff: Trying to read existing Micro SDFlash card on Ubuntu laptop. And reloading the card with Ubuntu 24.04. 24:10 Jeff: Found that 32GB Micro SDFlash cards will not work on Ubuntu laptop. 28:45 Al: Advice on booting. Initially, boot from from SDFlash and not USB devices. 29:20 Jeff: Also suggests starting with an official RPi power supply instead of battery power. 30:15 Al: Shows more about his new radio control PCB. 46:20 Al: Wants to reprogram his Teensy 4.1 without removing it from the board. 51:10 Jeff: Suggests running an RPi5 from an RPi4 power supply. Which would simulate not having PD negotiation. 52:30 Jeff: Mentions that some of the RPi boards have "partial" schematics posted. 53:10 Jeff: More than one revision of RPi4 board. 54:00 Jeff: Some more comments on the new USB power supply. 56:55 Al: Asks about wires in screw terminals. (crimp on ferrules) 59:30 Al: Anecdotes about soldering. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20250117 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 1:00:42 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. First Robotics: A Youtube of the Sunday First Robotics tournament. We are team 26205. We are featured at times: #6: 49:00 #10: 2:10:00 #14: 2:33:30 #23: 3:22:08 #31: 4:04:15 #37: 4:36:00 We Ranked 5th out of 26 teams. State Tournament Qualification Announcement: 6:53:30 Yarbo: The Yarbo youtube group - The autonomous snowblower Spyker: Spyker Workshop - the RC Snowblower Ferrule videos: @56:55 @10:35 Copy flash cards (from ROS Agriculture): @13:40-20:00 Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 00:30 Terry: Mentions his First Robotics team. 01:15 Terry: Talks about his autonomous snow blower/thrower. For previous discussion see Mentions other web sites for reference. 04:45 Terry: Shows more of his 3D CAD for his snow blower parts. Discussion about how it works. 11:00 Al: Asks about the First Robotics objective. Some discussion. Reference to video of the tournament. 13:10 Al: Mentions using Miro Board for documentation. 14:50 Jeff: Shows the USB-C cable and Drok power supply from Amazon to power RPi. This was mentioned last week. 17:10 Jeff: Goes off on a tangent about screw terminals. 21:55 Jeff: "Yes, this will power an RPi4. But an RPi5 requires extra configuration..." 23:40 Jeff: Bob's RPi5/Drok setup to power RPi5. 29:00 Jeff: Mention of crimp on ferrules. 31:35 Jeff: Talks about SDFlasn cards. Various stories. 40:00 Jeff: Complains about the official Raspberry Pi OS. Specifically worthless browsers. 42:10 Jeff: Moves on to loading micro-ros onto ROS2 Jazzy. 44:55 Al: Talks about both ends of mirco-ros. The Teensy end seems to be the problem. 49:10 Al: Comments about SDFlash cards. Jeff talks about unmounting cards. 50:15 Jeff: Was confused about what Al's problem was. 55:15 Terry: Asks differences between micro-ros, ros_serial or just plain serial. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20250123 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 52:37 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Running Micro-ROS on a Teensy using Arduino IDE. Bug report about __locale_ctype_ptr issue. Various links from the Home Brew Robotics meeting. Responses after meeting: Camp: Michael: Here’s how I create a custom MicroRos with enhanced resources: And this: github: Sergei: Marco: Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 00:35 Terry: Talks about his autonomous snow thrower. OnShape, CAD model animation. 02:50 Al: Switching from ROS1 to ROS2. RPi5, Teensy 3.1, Micro-ROS. PlatformIO, Micro-ROS with Docker. 08:00 Al: Shows tutorial results of Foxy under Docker. Says Micro-ROS seems "heavy". Maybe just use simple serial messages instead. 09:00 Al: Comments about powering his RPi5. Differences of versions in Micro-ROS experiments. 10:00 Jeff: Will Micro-ROS talk across different ROS versions? 11:00 Jeff: Talks about what worked and what didn't. Micro-Ros on 24.04 and jazzy works on ROS without Docker. Can't do any Arduino compile work without Docker. 12:00 Jeff: Arduino can't find compiler or has undefined references. Problem appears to be that the precompiled library they supply has to use the same compiler we are currently trying to use. 19:00 Al: Shows how he used PlatformIO to compile the Teensy code. The message he is referring to is if you are on our Slack. 22:50 Jeff: Speculates on not using either Arduino or PlatformIO to compile. 25:40 Al: Again says he may just go with custom serial messages. 25:45 Jeff: Random discussion from the Home Brew Robots meeting. Who is using what... 29:05 Jeff: Posts a lot of links to be put in the description. (See chat section above) 41:35 Jeff: Sums up his progress on Micro-ROS. 42:10 Jeff: Again mentions/speculates compiling without Arduino or PlatformIO. 43:30 Jeff: Complains about the way tutorials are written. (Not that he could do any better...) Points out he loaded a mismatch of versions since the tutorial was out of date. 45:40 Jeff: Moved on to the Arduino 2.3.4 install and used careful guessing to make it work. Which ended in the undefined reference. You should re-compile the pre-compiled part. 46:30 Jeff: Talks about ethernet on the Teensy 4.1. 48:20 Jeff: Mentions multiple copies of Micro-ROS running. 49:50 Jeff: Goes on a rant about YouTube uploads to finish off. (Will I get banned from YouTube if I say YouTube in the description?) == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20250130 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 44:11 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. "Official" Micro-ROS Teensy Arduino tutorial. Aleksander Haber - Install Micro-ROS for Teensy. Video on u-blox dead reckoning. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 00:30 Jeff: Talks about Micro-ROS experiences. 00:45 Jeff: Original Arduino 1.8.19 on laptop. Failure. 01:20 Jeff: Arduino 2.3.4 on laptop. Failure/success. 03:35 Jeff: Install Arduino 2.3.4 on RPi4. Failed since Arduino doesn't support ARM for 2.x 04:45 Jeff: It was suggested to load Arduino 1.x on RPi. That loaded and ran. But I decided I may have the same AMD64/ARM64 problem with the Teensy installers. So I didn't have the patience to find out. So I moved on. 05:25 Jeff: Mentions the Micro-ROS discussion at HBRC meeting. Although I think it was the week before that had the long discussion. Recap/links here: 05:45 Jeff: Again tried to load Arduino 1.8.19 on laptop. Failure again. 06:25 Jeff: Attempted to follow video tutorial from Aleksander Haber video. (That Bob had posted to Slack.) Failure/success. 10:15 Al: Asks about compiler versions. (while we are waiting to Arduino to load) 12:30 Arduino has loaded... Downgrading and patching. 14:45 Jeff: Be careful, because it offers to "help you" with new "updates". 16:45 Jeff: It works. And a recap of what worked. 18:25 Jeff: A few more obscure comments on installing. 21:50 Jeff: Again asks what is Micro-ROS and how would you use it. 22:45 Al: Mentions compiling Micro-ROS with Docker and made it work. Shows some details on compiling Micro-ROS with PlatformIO. 28:10 Al: Talks about NavSpark GNSS boards. Also talks about dead reckoning. Al shows the video. 39:30 Jeff: Mentions that the robot_localization nodes may give similar results. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20250206 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 37:41 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 01:25 Jeff: Talks about people switching to ROS2 on Raspberry Pi. 01:55 Jeff: The problem of which board, which OS version, which ROS version. They all have to match. 04:15 Jeff: The Docker container path. 05:30 Jeff: Docker vs. virtual machine. 06:00 Jeff: A laptop with Ubuntu 20.04, ROS1 Noetic, ROS2 Foxy. 06:45 Jeff: Run ROS1, or run ROS2, or run them both at the same time. (ros1_bridge) 08:25 Jeff: Or connect two computers together. 09:45 Jeff: OS support always "catching up" with next version of Raspberry Pi. 16:30 Jeff: Summarizes "Version Hell". 17:40 Al: Comments on "Version Hell". 18:20 Al: Talks about his Raspberry PI 5. 18:40 Jeff: Asks if Al has tried his external battery to power his RPi5. 21:10 Comments about attending/missing the HBRC meetings. 23:50 Jeff: Asks about availability of drivers for ROS2. 28:30 Al: Shows a "dead reckoning" GPS receiver he ordered. (uBlox EVK-M9DR) Also see last week's meeting. 31:45 Al: Talks about a computer vision experiment to monitor farm status. 36:10 Al: Mentions his linear actuator to control his hydrostatic transmission. == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory) ====== 20250214 ROS Lawn Tractor Automation meeting - Length 29:55 This video: Chat/Notes: Al's Miro board: Al's github: Al's Jupyter Notebook directory. Al's gist channel: Short cut keys. Mozilla/Firefox Linux terminal/bash gedit/gnome Home Brew Robotics Club mailing list. You can subscribe to that and select digest mode. Thomas Messerschmidt FemBots Index: 00:00 Jeff: Points out links to meeting video index in description below. 01:30 Al: Talks about "Dead Reckoning" GPS receivers. uBlox EVK-M9DR and SkyTraQ (Navspark) PX1172RDP 03:15 Al: Back to using SkyTraQ. And test method. 04:10 Al: Using 3DR radios for correction data. Notes on baud rates. 08:35 Discussion of "Air Plane Mode" vs. WiFi and Bluetooth on Ubuntu Linux. 10:20 We discuss the copy/paste issues In Ubuntu that Bob was posting about. 26:30 Al: Asks about Home Brew Robotics Club ROS meeting schedules. 27:50 Mention of the HBRC AI group. (maybe Thursday nights?) Thomas Messerschmidt == Link to access the Slack channel: Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page: Index for Lawn Tractor Automation Zoom meetings: Index for the original ROS Agriculture Zoom meetings (~250 videos): (Use following link, or newest file in that directory)