[The quick story]
I saw a web page explaining a method for implementing a range
finder using a laser and a TV camera.
I needed a video digitizer that
would interface to a microcontroller so I dug my ImageWise
digitizer out of a junk box.
Update 1/21/2001 - I have started the schematic and board layout.
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Jeff Sampson
My Video Digitizer Project
This is the original Circuit Cellar ImageWise Transmitter that
I started with.
I disassembled the code and made it grab two half size images.
This allowed me to get an image from the odd field and even field.
I then wrote code to subtract the two fields which left me with
the image of the laser beam. Then it scanned the video line to return
the location of the max pixel intensity. So I ended up with 128 values.
Each value represents a range.
I wanted a version which was not copyrighted and was not
processor dependent. So I breadboarded this version using TTL
logic. (Note: there is an 8751 CPU on the board.)
Once I got the breadboard working I laid out a PCB. This
board is interfaced to a CPU of choice. (Note: This is a
"kitchen sink" board.)
I thought I had way to many parts. I also wanted to try out
my Xilinx starter package. So I created a CPLD which replaces
all the logic chips. The XC9536 CPLD replaced 10 TTL logic chips.
(Note: This version had a 68HC11 daughter board.
Which isn't present in the photo.)
The next step will be to lay out a PCB for the CPLD
version of the digitizer.
Preliminary schematic. Click on schematic for a REAL big image.
Preliminary layout. I still need to add the laser driver.