This page last updated 01/25/04
The Earth Explorer Project
Page 1
- How it all began
- The initial ideas
Page 2
- Contructing the box for the base
- The drive system
- The first test
Page 3
Page 4
- A slight diversion
- A call to arms
- Enough is enough
- Rest of the body
Page 5
- Motor requirements
- Driving the motors
- Motor PID control
Page 6
- A simple power system
- A more elaborate power system
- Goodbye to the fuses
- The electronics supply
- Emergency shutdown
Page 7
- Robot control architecture
- Some of my requirements for planned peripherals
- Low level controller
Page 8
Page 9
- Auxiliary Power Unit - Mark 2
Page 10
- Finally, some updates (08/26/2002)
Page 11
- More updates (12/21/2002)
Page 12
- What was this really for? (12/21/2002)
Page 13
- Preparing for the Science Museum Challenge (12/21/2002)
Page 14
- New PixelSmart vision system board (1/25/2004)
Page 15
- GPS Experiments (5/25/2004)
Things to be added
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This page is currently maintained by
Jeff Sampson